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Hyuna POV

It's early, much earlier then I want it to be

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It's early, much earlier then I want it to be. The building is mostly empty with the exception of a few janitor like employees that linger around at this hour. I'm tired. I think to myself while stifling a yawn. To my right Hyo-jong has his head tilt back, his eyes shut. He looks so beautiful, so at peace even though the world is crumbling around us. And for what? Because I love him? Because he wants to be with me? Because we didn't want to hide anymore? Because we were too honest? Truthfully I couldn't really care... As long as he was beside me, could give a shit less about anything else.

"Miss Kym, Mr. Kim" A square face man in a black suit calls out to the both of us and Dawnie jumps up looking bit disoriented but still just as cute. I fight hard to hide the smile that wants to creep past my lips. "We are ready for you now."


Two months later I found myself in New York, Soho to be exact, visiting the only other people in this world besides Hyo-jong that mean anything to me.

"I can't believe she's late again! I mean who the hell does she think she is?" Jordyn complained, her freshly arched eyebrow raising

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"I can't believe she's late again! I mean who the hell does she think she is?" Jordyn complained, her freshly arched eyebrow raising. "I took a 4am flight to be here on time and here we are waiting for her just like always." Liza, who was sipping on her latte just rolled her eyes.

"C'mon Jordy, give her a break. It isn't like our little meeting was planned. Hyuna sent out the bat signal last night, so lets give her a moment before we start dragging her." Zendaya shrugs, folding her arms across her chest.

"Daya's right Jordy. Kayla was all the way in Australia, and this was short notice. I was surprised you all responded so quickly, I know how busy we all can get."

"Still, I'm sure she read the distress in your message, you'd think she'd have a sense of import-"

"She does and she's here!" a voice calls out and smiles spread across everyone's face. We jump out our seats and rush to greet her. All four of us so excited to see our friend. "Sorry I'm late girls!" Kayla pouts before taking her seat right in the middle of us. She was was our beacon, our lighthouse in the dark. She was the glue that held our group together, the reason we're even friends at all. Everything seemed to work better when she was there, and thats exactly why I called this meeting. I'm in dyer need of her help, well all of them really.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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