Chapter 1

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(Basically this is going to be like a Person Documentary and wont be shown til' she dies and thats gonna be along time)

SeQuan- To start this recording the date is 8/8/2012 and lets ask basic questions...What's Your Full Name??

KaLani- KaLani Amelia Lee Shakar 

SeQuan- Current Age??

KaLani- 8

SeQuan- Mother??

KaLani- Rosalina Sophia Mosse

SeQuan- Father??

KaLani- We gotta wait til Im older cuhh momma hasnt told me yet gotta wait till my 13th birthday(kinda sad, listen to song on the side of the bar)

SeQuan- Best Friends??

KaLani- SeQuan Ross, TeQuan Ross, ReQuan Ross are my best friends for life (giggles)

SeQuan- Well thts the e--

Rosalina- KaLani Come Here Now

KaLani-(Goes Down There Scared) Stay up here

SeQuan stays upstairs till he hears screams and the front door slam he watches as Rosa leaves the house quickly (A/N all of this is recording becuase its a Doctumentary and she wants it to play at her funeral) 

He quickly calls 911 as he sees KaLani bleeding everywhere with cigar burn on the bare part of her foot in the shape of a gun to extension cords marks on her legs. He puts the camera down and focus it on her wounds and body.

"Help my friend is bleeding bad"

"This isnt a joke"

"Please help us"

"6543 Sunset Ln."


KaLani is still upwoke but is screaming in pain while paramedics bust through the door SeQuan picks up the camera and films the whole thing from the ride over to the hospital he also calls his mom and tells her the whole story

"Son we are going to have to ask you to shut off the camera for safety reasons."



End Of The Chappie 1 comment/3 votes Please and Spread the Word about this story!!!!

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