oh shucks, im in love.

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she thought his chocolate hair flowed around his face, framed him like a photo- but it was just brown hair. she thought his smile could enslave everyone, luring them into his trance- but it was just a smile. she thought his laugh should be heard by everyone; curing the deaf, saving the sick -but it was just a laugh. i could never fathom the drastic changes she felt. it was like a puzzle missing a key piece. i spent countless hours, days, trying to piece the puzzle. but in an instant, one slow-motion second was all it took. one whole second and the puzzle fixed itself, the missing piece was found. in one second, my heart lept out of my ribs, ripping; tearing; shredding my bare flesh, and jumping straight at your feet. one second was all it took for me to fall in love with you.

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