➳ thirty five

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After baking, Joy left the coffee shop to Jiyeon and decided to have some mother and daughter bond in their house.

Areum is back to being energetic again and Joy is softer and enthusiastic as they play in the bedroom. They created a castle using the blankets and pillows with Areum playing as the Queen and Joy as Areum's errand boy.

They are both startled when the doorbell rang throughout the house. They weren't expecting anyone and Joy got really worried and nervous.

Who could it be? She's been having so many uninvited guests lately and she almost wanted to ignore it when the doorbell rang again.

Joy excused herself from Areum and went to the door to check who it is. The screen next to her door shows a woman probably the same age as her and she's with a familiar young girl who's at Areum's age.

"That's Yuna!" Screamed Areum and Joy jolted from startlement. She did not notice that Areum followed her.

"Your friend from school?" Joy asked, also realizing that she was the young girl who holds hand with Areum on their first day at school.

Areum nodded so Joy did not waste any time and proceeded to open the door. It was their first time having a visitor apart from the people who they already know.

Upon showing in front of them, the mother seemed to have an uneasy, nervous and apologetic look on her face while the little girl, Yuna, hide behind her.

"Hello, I hope you don't mind the sudden visit," said the woman, "My name's Jia, I am Yuna's Eomma," the woman, Jia, introduced.

Joy opened the door wider, smiling widely, "I don't mind, please come in,"

Jia smiled shyly but before entering, she turned her head to her daughter first, "Yuna, we've talked about this," she said and soon, the little girl entered the house, and stopping straight in front of Areum who seemed scared.

"Areum-ah, I'm sorry," said Yuna, handing Areum a box of chocolates and Areum's face immediately lit up. "I was really mean to you and I was bad, I'm sorry," Yuna apologized.

"It's okay!" Areum replied, taking the chocolates from Yuna, "I forgive you! Do you want to go see the castle Eomma and I made?" Areum asked excitedly and Yuna giggled, nodding her head gladly and soon the two disappeared to the bedroom, holding each other's hand.

The two mothers smiled happily as they watch the two.

"Please take a seat and make yourself feel at home," Joy said, "I'll go get something to drink," she said.

Joy doesn't really know how to entertain visitors because she never had one to her house. Not one that she wanted to welcome.

She came back, putting the juice and cake she took from the shop earlier, "Have some," Joy offered.

"Thank you," Jia replied, the woman seemed to be really nervous before talking again, "I'm really sorry about Yuna's behavior towards Areum,"

Joy smiled but it didn't reached her eyes, "It's fine, she's still young so she doesn't know about things like this yet,"

"No, it's not fine..." Jia said and her expression changed, "I had the same situation as Areum," Jia smiled sadly, "I never really met my biological father until I was ten. It was really hard and sadㅡ" Jia abruptly stopped and turned her attention to Joy, "I'm sorry, I'm not saying this to say that it's my mother or all the single parent's fault," she explained.

"No, no. It's okay, please continue," Joy dismissed. Her interest about Jia's story raised because what if the woman could help her about her situation right?

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