chapter 10

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Hayes POV

what if torie says no. it's going to be so embarrassing and awkward. but what if she says yes! agh!

I feel like these couple seconds we've been waiting for her to answer has been hours.

Tories POV


I do like Hayes I do. but what if it makes things awkward! ugh what do I do!

"" "I do like Hayes" I say in a very quiet voice with my head down.

I slowly put my head up and see hayes with a big grin on his face blushing a lot!

all The boys keep looking back and forth at us.

"SO" Nash says breaking the silence.

"torie ask someone truth or dare"

"um.. cameron, truth or dare" I say

"hmmm, dare."

we all look at each other with devil ish looks on our faces.

"I dare u to go out in the hall and if u see a random girl u have to go kiss her for 10 seconds and we will vine it."😏

"damn.. OKAY" he says hopping up

we all run to the door with our phones out ready to film.

Cameron's POV

I look out the door and find a teenage girl who looked about 17 standing against a wall on her phone.

(lol Ik kinda awk but yeah😂)

I casually walk up to her and tilt her head up and kiss her. but it was weird I felt a spark between us.

I break the kiss and look at her in the eyes. she has really pretty eyes, they r a greenish blue. I look at all her beautiful features,

she has darn brown hair with caramel highlights and, has amazing cheek bones..😂

"but right when I get back to reality. she slaps me across the face and walks away."

"HAHAHAHH" I hear all then laughing.

I walk back in shame but kinda laughing at myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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