Easy words:
In sweden we have three more letters then in English, and those three words is Å, Ä and Ö. Maybe it's hard for you to pronounce, but with little training you're going to be fine ;) And if you want to know how to pronounce the words, I have made you guys a video as well, it's here on the side, so just take a look at it :)
Hey/Hi/Hello - Hej
Bye/Goodbye - Hejdå
Yes - Ja
No - Nej
Boy - Pojke/kille/gosse
Girl - Flicka/tjej/jänta
Mother/mom/mommy/momma - Mamma
Father/dad/daddy - Pappa
Sister - Syster
Brother - Bror
Grandmother/Grandma - Farmor/mormor (Farmor is the word we use to our fathers mother, and mormor to our mothers mother)
Grandfather/Grandpa - Farfar/morfar (Farfar is the word we use to our fathers father and morfar to our mothers father)
Aunt - Faster/moster (Faster is the word we use to our fathers sister and moster is the word we use to our mothers sister)
Uncle - Farbror/morbror (Farbror is the word we use to our fathers brother and morbror to our mothers brother)
Cousin - Kusin
Second cousin - Syssling
Third cousin - Brylling
Friend - Kompis/vän
Best friend - Bästa vän
Classmate - Klasskompis
Job - Jobb
Human - Människa
Computer - Dator
Water - Vatten
Lake - Sjö
Ocean - Hav
River - Flod
Animals - Djur
Dog - Hund
Cat - Katt
Butterfly - Fjäril
Bird - Fågel
Lion - Lejon
Tiger - Tiger
Jungle - Djungel
House - Hus
Sick, ill - Sjuk
Hospital - Sjukhus
That was that for now, I hope you want to learn more, becasue I'm gonna post a few more chapters :) Do you think that this is a good idea?
Learn Swedish
Non-FictionHer is for you who want to learn swedish or is just curious of the swedish language, I hope you will learn something :)