Sick Niall Part 2

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“Liam, wake up.” Louis was standing over the couch, trying to get the two lads to wake up.

“I’m up, Lou, I’m up. What do you need?” Liam rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“Niall is really sick. I just walked up and felt his back; he is burning. Li, can we wake him and take his temperature?”

“Oh, yea. I guess. I’ll wake him. Can you go find a thermometer?”

“Sure. Be right back.”

When Louis left, Liam tried to wake Niall up. He rubbed his back, kissed his cheeks, shook his shoulder; did everything he could think of. “NIALL! Wake up!” The boy wouldn’t get up. “LOUIS!!!! COME HERE!!!!”

Louis, Harry, and Zayn ran into the room and went over to the couch.

“What’s wrong Liam?” Harry asked.

“Niall wont wake up. His temperature is sky-high and his breathing is really shallow. Lou, Haz, Z, call a doctor!” Liam was freaking out. Harry called the doctor and Louis helped Liam sit Niall up. Louis rubbed circles on the sick boy’s back and tried to wake him up.

Louis took his temperature and whistled when he read the number on the screen. “Liam. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but its 104.1. That is almost too high to keep living!”

“Ok, I’ll go get him an ice pack and cold rag.”

“Let me get it. If he wakes up, he will want you.”

“Ok. Thanks Lou.” Liam smoothed back the hair from Niall’s forehead and kissed it, drawing back quickly; feeling like he had been burned.

Harry came back and said the doctor was on his way. He told Liam that it would be fine. Liam and Niall always had this special relationship that no one really understood. Sure Liam was Daddy Direction for everyone when they needed it, but he was always watching over Niall.

Zayn came in next with a cup of freezing water and a towel. He put the towel behind Niall’s head and told Liam to hold his head up but to scoot back.

Liam understood what Zayn was going to do and held the younger lad’s head, but at an arms length.

Zayn close to him and dumped the cup of water on Niall’s face.

“Argh…” Niall mumbled. “What the heck?” He was soaking wet.

“Sorry baby, but you were like passed out or something and we couldn’t get you up. The doctor is coming because your temp is 104.1, Ok? I’m really sorry. Let me go grab a towel and some other clothes for you babe,” Liam said.

“Don’t leave. I’ll come with you if you still are going to go. Stay please, Li-Li.” Niall grabbed Liam’s hand and held it tight.

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