Sunrise and Surprise

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(image coming soon!)


Leesha had cried herself to sleep, not so different from any other night; however, the reason for this crying was quite different.  She rolled over entangling herself in the last knit blanket her mother hand made to see the sunrise on the horizon. She had woken up every hour during the night—hiccuping and then being irritated on top of tired and sad she would cry herself back to sleep. Pulling herself out of bed, she waddle to the little nook of a bathroom. She was a mess: her shoulder-length sun kissed brown hair was knotted and astray, lavender bags under blood shot eyes, and her sundress dirty from the park and wrinkled from sleeping in it, a strap hanging off her shoulder. She definitely looked like she was coming off an all-nighter, but not the typical 'fun' kind. With her left hand she flicked the other strap off her shoulder and changed into her bathing suit having decided to go for a sunrise swim.


              Like normal, Mark hadn't slept and was up before dawn. Some time in the night he had changed out of his dress shirt and slacks opting for sweats and his The Fray t-shirt. He padded down the stairs in pitch blackness seeing the house in disarray. Starting in the living room he quietly put his younger brothers' toy trucks and army men away, slid the baby bouncer into its spot in the corner, and picked up his sister's converse and hoodie placing them in the hallway outside her door. Walking into the kitchen he sighed, a family of seven sure could use a lot of dishes for dinner—and that was without him there. He walked back to the main hallway next to the bottom of the stairs and flicked on the humidifier. With the familiar noisy hum droning on Mark walked back to the kitchen and began to load up the dishwasher and washed all the plastic-ware. Tossing the dishwasher pod into its compartment and closing the door Mark looked up at the time.

6:37 a.m. I could make it to the beach for the sunrise. God. I haven't done that since—well, since I broke up with Janet.

              The beach was Mark's calming place. He always went there when he needed to clear his mind from issues or just to get away from the world and see something bigger than himself. If he could he would camp out at the beach: just watch the sun slip under the crashing blue waves and look up to the starry night. He actually tried that once, in 6th grade and it ended up with the police finding him and getting grounded because his parents were worried sick he'd run away from home.

              Scratching out a messy note in the dark addressed to his parents—he didn't want the cops called this time, he walked to the coat rack and grabbed his track sweatshirt. Throwing on the sweatshirt, he walked out the back door and to the little grassy path which led to the beach. The sweatshirt was a good idea, although it was middle of May the ocean breeze and cool morning loved to gang up on those who dared come out at such a time; Mark flicked the hoodie up and pulled the strings at an attempt to keep the nippy breeze from his ears. Morning was approaching with the first glints of sunlight peaking through on the horizon. Having made a few random turns into dunes he didn't know whether or not they led anywhere, Mark climbed a small steep stair-step case and that is when he saw her.


a/n: hiiiii y'all! please please give me ANY feed back! I'm new to this so i will appreciate any and all feedback!

I'm having such fun writing this! I hope y'all are enjoying it!

Remember you all are lovely souls; breathe, smile, dream, laugh!

Love, Avieda

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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