Chapter 36

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Y/n's POV

We're having our baby shower today at my house. Brianna was going crazy trying to make sure everything was perfect. I swear was going to lose her mind over this. I've finished my part and walked outside to the backyard with Dom.
"Hey babe how's-"
"Y/n where's the banner?" She asks.
"The banner."she points.
I turn to see she pointed at the little stage area we have so everyone could see us open gifts.
"Oh yeah-"
"Y/n I told you to hang up the banner!"
"Ok ok babe we'll do it right now. Calm down you're stressing out."
She walks away from me rolling her eyes.
"Never tell a pregnant woman to calm down. Just be glad you don't have Sydney she'd try and cut your- "
"Shut it Dominic." Sydney says as she walks past. We began hanging the banner and Brianna comes back around with Sydney.
"That's not straight. Can't you two do-"
"Babe, calm down. We will fix it." I say stepping off my ladder. Dom facepalms himself along with Sydney.
"No no, you said something."
"No I didn't baby." I smile.
"BRIANNA NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS PERFECT! We will fix the sign just chill. You're freaking out over nothing. You're acting like a bridezilla and like this is our wedding!"
"Not like I'll ever see that day with you because you can't take fucking hints!" She yells as she walks away from me. What the fuck does that even mean?

— — — —  —

Brianna finally got out of her little sassy diva attitude. I really wasn't up to put up with it today so I'm glad she got out of that mood. Lauren arrived with her little family and I couldn't be any happier. I was also happy knowing my mom wouldn't be here to ruin it. She was in rehab which I'm not happy about but, whatever will help her, it's necessary.

Everyone seemed to be having an amazing time and that's when someone caught my eye. I was in the middle of a conversation with Kristie, Rachel, Sam, Moe, and Sydney. My mouth dropped.
"What?" Morgan asked.
"No way." I say lowly.
I put my cup in Morgan's hand as I start waking towards the familiar face.
"SUE?!" I yell and run up to her.
"HI!" She yells as her arms went around my body. We stood like this for a good minute.
"Damn. Sue bird at my baby shower."
"I wasn't missing it. Plus, Megan is here." She smiles that smile I've always adored.
"Speaking of Megan, where is she?"
Sue points behind me and I see her talking to Brianna and Alex.
"So when are you inviting me to a Seattle game?" I say lightly punching her arm.
"When you invite me to a National Team game."
"I don't think you need an invite since Megan is already there."
"One from you would be nice Y/n/n." She smirks.
We continued our conversation trying to catch up on each other's lives when Brianna and Megan come over.
"So are you two like friends or something?" Megan asks with a confused face.
"Uh no." I say slowly and I look back to Sue.
"We kinda- sorta- just a little- dated for a few months."
Brianna and Megan's mouths dropped and we just stood there.
"Oh ok." Megan says wrapping her arm around Sue's waist.
"Don't worry about anything we're just friends now." Sue says and I nod my head agreeing with her.
"Yeah ok, we need to start opening gifts now babe." Brianna says pulling me away.

As we start approaching our little stage area two body's collided with my lower body.
"What the? Hey you two!" I say picking up Zoey and grabbing Cameron's hand. They must've just gotten here with the CPS lady. I kneel down and kiss Cameron's cheek.
"Baby." I say to Brianna getting her attention. She looks up at me and I wave her over. I put Zoey down and grab her hand.
"Cameron and Zoey this is Brianna my girlfriend. Brianna this is Cameron and Zoey. I don't know if you two remember her."
"She looks like Mallor." Zoey says. I laugh cause she still can't say her name.
"Yeah? Well, I am Mal's older sister." Brianna says smiling at them. She kneels down and hugs them
"It's so nice to see you two." She says making them smile.
"You're really pretty." Cameron says to Brianna.
"Hey hey buddy, she's mines. Slow your road. She belongs to me." I say as I stood next to Brianna. I palmed her butt resulting in her smacking my arm and blushing in embarrassment. Marley then ran over attaching to Brianna and she began to introduce them to Marley.
"I have to go talk to the CPS lady real quick I'll be back." I whisper to Brianna and she nods as I kiss her cheek.

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