Chapter Eleven

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Ming's POV
We split a second later but im too stunned to react to what happened.


I blink a few time before looking away and bringing my hand up to touch my lips, I can see P'Kit starring at me waiting for a response but I couldn't.I know it sound weird but I suddenly couldn't stand to be in the same room as him, I need sometime to think about this.

I stand up as Kit reaches out to me.

"Ming a-"
"P, can you leave please?"
"Ming im sorry"

He comes closer towards me but I back away from him.

"I need sometime to think about this P"

He stays silent but doesn't budge from his spot a knock on the door interrupts the awkward silence, I walk over to the door slipping on my shoes and fixing my hair before opening the door. Im greeted face to face with the pizza guy, I hand him the money before slipping past him.

I hear Kit call me from behind but I dont stop, once im at the parking lot I hoped into my car and sent a text to wayo.

Ming-Hey im heading over to my grandmas.need anything while im out?

Wayo-What's with the sudden visit? Is she ill again?

Ming-Kit kissed me

Wayo-so..? Isn't that what you wanted?

Wayo is right, isnt this what I wanted.I liked wait no loved Kit I promised him I would never give up on him but look at the position we are in now.Im not sure if P'Deer likes me or not but I never really had feelings for him.

I always loved Kit but I feel a little different now.

Would Kit have even kissed me if P'Deer wasn't in the picture?

Is he trying to prove something?

My phone goes off countless times but I can only guess who it is, I already talked to yo so it has to be P'Kit.My grandmas house comes into view as a small smile finds its onto my face, its been too long since the last time I visited.

Seconds later I pull into the driveway and make my way to the porch.I can smell the cookies she was baking or was already made, I knock on the door and a minute later shes at the door.  She greets me eagerly before pulling me into a hug.

"Ah my only grandson! Where have you been?"

"Im sorry grandma, i've been caught up in school work"

"Oh nonsense just come whenever you like"

I nod before she pulls me inside claiming I was letting all the warm air out of the house.

"You look thinner dear, Come have some cookies"

"Alright grandma"

I sit down at the table as she walks over to place a warm tray of cookies on the table.

"Everything aright?"
"Everything is alright"
"Ming dear, I might be old now but im not dumb"

I sigh she was right.

"Everything seems to be going wrong, Wayo is having relationship problems im having relationship problems."

"Well, dear what's going on?"
"Do you remember P'Deer?"

Her face contorts as soon as I mentioned his name.

"Yes..I dont like that kid, so disrespectful"

"He attends my school now"

She nods urging me to speak faster.

"Have i've told you about Kit?"

"Ah, yes you fantasized about having a relationship with him for as long as I remember.Why have you gotten together?!"

"No gran we haven't, The truth is Kit never showed any interest in me untill P'Deer came along"

"Honey some people need that push to realize their feelings"

"Yes but what if P'Deer never came?"
"Ming that's a what if, this is now.It already happened Deer did come"

I stay silent.

"Did he confess?"
"Not exactly...He kissed me"
"That's great dear! What did you say to him?"

"Nothing, I came here"
"God Ming your stupid, You cant just leave him wherever you did! He probably heart broken"

I lower my head in shame as my grandma goes over the pros and cons of what happened with in the end were just cons and were all my fault.After she was done ranting she packed some cookies into a plastic bag and sent me off.

Wayo's POV

My wrist were killing me from how bad they were burning, I had a tons of essays that were due soon so I had to start writing them.Classes were okay today, we didn't have a lot but we didn't have too little either.After class I went to my room not wanting to go to the library in chance of running into Phana.

I open one of my notebooks and start writing the next heading of my essay when I hear a knock on the door.I get up not bothering to check the peephole knowing I wouldn't be able to see much because of my classes.

I open the door but immediately regret it, im met face to face with a cheating prick that looks so desperate.


I try to close the door but his foot stops it.

"Wayo can we please talk for a second?"

I sigh and open the door allowing him to continue but not enter.

"Pha I don't want to see you right now"

"Nong Yo im tried everything, What can I do to get you back? For you to believe that I will be loyal to you and only you?"


"Please yo I love you, ill do anything you like me to"


"Anything!" (Pha)

I considered this is the first time I known Pha to cheat on me, ill give him.another chance if she was the only girl he got with.

"What is her name?"

I nod before holding my hand out.

"Let me see your phone"

He doesn't hesitate to hand it over, I slide the lock screen and check his messages but couldn't find any other females number.(he only had Ming, beam, forth, kit, a few teachers , and his parents.)(wayo changed his number)

Phana eyes never leave me, if I move his eyes move with me.He tries making eye contact not bothered to see what I was looking at.

"Do you have classes tomorrow?"

I take my phone out of my pocket and add my number into his contacts again before handing him his phone.he looks at what I have before sending me a hopeful look.

"I have no classes tomorrow either, I heard theirs a sushi place open tomorrow lets meet at ..2pm."

His eyes sparkle before rushing out a reply.

"Yes, of course!"
He comes closer to give me a hug but I back away further into my room.

"Dont be late"

I almost close the door but wait and add on.

"Take another shower I still smell that bitches perfume on you"

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