① Each week, every member of the book club will be paired up in groups of two to read each others' stories. How many chapters both of you read is up for you two to decide but you must read/give feedback to at least three chapters/parts. ** We are still trying to decide if this method is what we want to go with OR if we want to mix it up a bit, and try doing ONLY one book a week which every member has to read. (If you have any suggestions, please put them here or in your form.)
② Following on the first rule, the book you submit must be at least three chapters/parts. We don't accept poetry or short stories.
③ We are very serious on how feedback/criticism is given and we want each of our lonely writers to get the best feedback as possible. If you feel that your partner is not making an effort at giving you feedback on your story, please inform us ( @lostmemoria or @StarSkipper98 ) and we will take care of it.
④ If you decide you can't stay a dedicated lonely writer, PM us on either this account or one of our individual accounts.
⑤ Upcoming writing challenges/contests will be open for non members and members alike so invite your friends!
** If you or your partner or both of you are particularly busy and cannot critique at least three chapters/parts, feel free to to do less. If your partner does not complete feedback for the chapter limit set, let us know through this account or through one of our personal accounts.
If you have any questions, you can ask them here.
The Lonely Writers Society Book Club
General FictionA book club dedicated to improving writing skills, providing feedback, and uniting with other fellow lonely writers, of course!