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Padfoot#1 has logged on.

Padfoot#1 has invited Remus and Peter on.

Remus and Peter have now logged on.

Remus: WHAT IS IT!?! Has Prongs set his pants on fire again? Has a girl gotten into the boys dorm!?!

Peter: Or a fire? Has one of the teachers died? Is it Slughorn?Man I hope it's Slughorn!

Padfoot#1: Nope, Merlin No, no no and Peter you have some SERIOUS issues.

Peter: I'm nothing like you

Padfoot#1: -_- Idiot... Anyway. .. I called you because I just realised we need a ship name for Prongs and Lily-flower!

Remus: ... It's 2 in the morning and you called us here for a STUPID SHIP NAME!!!!!!

Padfoot#1: Yeah haven't you been paying attention?

Remus: I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!

Padfoot#1: This is more important than sleep.

Peter: oOo Padfoot admitted something was more important than sleep! MERLIN PANTS THIS IS A MIRACLE! REMUS WE HAVE TO HELP HIM. SIRIUS HAS RECIEVED AN ILLNESS!!!!!

Padfoot#1: Oookkkkaaayyyy, anyway Moony,  the quicker we do this the quicker we can go back to sleep.


Peter: Hmm, Prolly, Lames, Lrongs?

Padfoot#1: The first one sounds like a combo of a trolley and an umbrella, INSTANT no.

They're not lame! And the last one just sounds wrong...

Remus: How does it- ... You dirty minded boy.

Peter: What? What?TELL MEEEE!!!!

Padfoot#1: Well it sounds l-


Padfoot#1: It sounds like thongs...

Peter: O.O

Peter has logged off

Prongs has logged on

Prongs: Why is Wormtail sitting by my bed, sucking his thumb whilst moving back and for- O.O  Padfoot.

Padfoot#1: Yes Prongs?

Prongs: You have a dirty mind... And if you want a ship name how about Jily?

Remus: That's actually-

Padfoot#1: Not a bad idea...

Prongs: Well Jily it is! Now CAN I GO TO SLEEP!?!

Remus: Let's all do that.

Padfoot#1: Yeah...

Prongs, Remus and Padfoot#1 have logged off.

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