Analocical one-shot

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Reader's POV:

Virgil,who was standing outside Logan's room, knocked on his door and heard,on the other side of the door, "Who is it?" "It's me" replied Virgil and in the other room he heard a very audible sigh and a "Come in" from Logan , and so he went in to see Logan on the edge of his bed on his laptop writing something Virgil suspected to be the script of the next video "Hey" Virgil said awkwardly "Salutations,Virgil, what do need?" Logan replied "I need you" Virgil said without thinking, imidiately regreting his decision and starting to panic, "What?" Logan said looking up from his work with a surprised look on his face "U-uh I-I mean...I need your h-help with something..." Virgil managed to stutter out "Oh, Ok" Logan rplied, looking back down at his laptop and said "What do you need help with?" " Um... can I just sit down first?" "Sure" replied Logan indiffrentley so he sat down next to him, scooting a little closer to him to look at what he was writing, "What?" Asked Logan , noticing how close Virgil was getting "Oh sorry..." he mumbleum's the script going?" "It's going well, Virgil what do you need help with?" He said starting to get a little impatient. Virgil realised what he had said erlier and said "Oh oh umm... I honestly don't know why I said that I just came here to see how you're work is going and all that...stuff" "Ok..." Logan said, starting to look skeptical, Virgil didn't blame him for this, after all he had been acting pretty random. There was another sielence which was broken only by the soft tapping of Logan's computer. "Logan..." said Virgil ,finally breaking it "Yes, Virgil" "I just wanted to say...t-that I-I..." he trailed off, was he actually going to do this? 'Yes you are!'
A small voice inside Virgil's head said. He took a deep,steadying breath and announced "I-I...I love you" "What?" Logan said,looking up from his screen "Are you feeling ok?" He said looking unceartain "Yes, I'm fine" " Are you sure? Because you said..." "I know what I said" said Virgil, cutting across him "Well Virgil... I love you too" Logan said " What?" "I will not be reapting myself" Said Logan before he could say anything. Virgil felt something he hadn't felt in some time,Joy, he could barely think straight ,the person he had liked for years had liked him back! And,just before he could stop himself, pulled him into a hug,which Logan returned graciosly, and when they broke apart,Logan opened his mouth to say something but was,once again, cut across by Virgil who had tugged him closer by his tie and had pulled him into a kiss that Logan returned."Well that was...nice" Logan said after they broke apart, adjusting his glasses, "Yeah" Virgil smiled back "Hey Lo I have a question" Virgil asked shyly "Yes,Virg" Logan replied, returning the smile "Will you be my....boyfriend?" He asked nervously "Yes, of course" Logan replied and Virgil pulled him into another hug.


So how'd I do? Leave the answer to that and/or any suggestions in the comments but until then ,in the words of Thomas Sanders, Peace Out!!

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