Part six (✔️)

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Recap: Laksh is back and Ragini confessed her love.

Laksh was looking at her numb, "What did you said, you Ragini Gadadoia loves me Lakshya Maheshwari? How is that possible?" He was looking at her in disbelief.

Ragini frowns, "Oh Mister Lakshya Maheshwari. How dare you?!" She shouts at him and pushed him.

Laksh fumes, "How dare I?" He shouts back, "By the way what I dare?" He was confused as she hasn't completed her sentence.

Ragini pushes him again, "How dare you to call me Ragini Gadodia!!!! My name is Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari. I belong to the man, who has married me! My Husband, Lakshya Maheshwari!" She points with the finger on him.

Laksh didn't react on her, "Well I don't think so! I have married you and this was a mistake! As my love was for you one side, you have never loved me!" He ramps her and went to the washroom.

Ragini was left open mouth, "Laksh! Listen to me!" She follows him and he was busy with his bag. Ragini fumes and tried to take his bag from him, "Laksh stop this!"

Laksh looked up at her, "Ragini give me my bag! You don't have a right to touch my things!" He shouts at her.

Downstairs DP and AP were looking at each other, "Seems like my son got a tongue!"
DP was praising him.

AP shook her head, "Why now, when she is understanding his value in her life?"

DP shrugs, "Let them AP. They have to learn to live with each other!"

AP agrees, "Haan they have to learn to respect the feelings of the other one!"

Ragini stamps with her feet's, "Laksh I have all the rights to touch everything what belongs to you, don't forget I'm your wife and the most precious woman in your life!"

Laksh shows her his palm, "My mom! Okay she is the most precious woman in my life. Like your father is the most precious man in your life and if possible someday I will have my own child. Boy or girl, who cares it just has to be healthy!".

Ragini saw him in a new light. 😍, "Laksh do you have names for our kids. You know the couple of weeks I was just thinking of you and our future and kids were one of the important things I was thinking of!"

Laksh got confused, "What?! You have thought about our future with kids? Why?" He asked her and she smiles at him.

"Laksh can't you hear? I'm telling you all the time the same thing. I LOVE YOU! I was blind in seeing your love! Please give me a chance to prove my love to you!" She pleaded at him.

Laksh smiles, "Okay!"

She smiles and he comes near her. She was excited about his next step. A glow was on her cheeks and he... pours his dirty clothes over her!.

Ragini widen her eyes and Laksh starts to laugh. *Hahahahaha*.

Ragini fumes at him, "Laksh!" She shouts and he gulps. He was hell scared as her voice has changed into a deep scary one, "Ragini calm down!" He warns her.

She made a fist and looked up and down at herself. She removes the clothes from her, irking at him. Laksh tried to avoid her gaze, well he was suppressing his laugh as one of his boxer short was on Ragini's head, "Laksh remove it!" She said in anger and frustration.

"What Ragini?" He asked her as if he doesn't know anything

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"What Ragini?" He asked her as if he doesn't know anything.

"Laksh remove your underwear from me! My poor hairs!"

Laksh looked at her.

"I can't it's looking too funny!" He couldn't stop laughing on her, tears were rolling down

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"I can't it's looking too funny!" He couldn't stop laughing on her, tears were rolling down.

Ragini had to laugh too, seeing him like this made her so happy, "Laksh keep laughing I know I have been very bad too you. Sorry!".

Laksh smiles slightly, "Hmm Ragini Tell me, how you got to know, that you love me and not Sanskaar?" He stood in front of her with crossed arms

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Laksh smiles slightly, "Hmm Ragini Tell me, how you got to know, that you love me and not Sanskaar?" He stood in front of her with crossed arms.

Ragini comes closer to him and removes the happy tears of him, "I Love You, Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari. I got to know, that the man who was roaming around me all the time and was annoying me, is the same man, who has made me to fall in love with him. All the time, I have thought that Sanskaar has helped me out of my problems. But I was blind in my hate. I have never looked over the edge! I have always considered you as my enemy, not as my friend! Can you give me a chance and let me prove you. That I belong to you and no one else?!"

Laksh wasn't sure, he had waited for her confess for so long. But to give her a chance is more than he had ever gained from her.

"Laksh I want to tell you something more. Just forget that I got to know of your help. Before you left I had the feeling I couldn't sort it. But when you slept next to me, I somehow knew what I was feeling. I really liked it. And I don't want it to end ever! Laksh you have become a beautiful habit of mine! I can't live without you! And this feeling had started before I got to know about your help!"

Laksh pulls her close, "So you liked me before?"

Ragini nods at him.

He removes the boxer short of her head.

"Laksh keep it, I like your smile!" Laksh smiles even more, "Thank you! Don't worry I will keep laughing all the time now. But I won't forgive you that easily okay. You have the time to prove me that you truly love me!"

Ragini pouts, but nods in understanding, "Fine Now I will prove it!" She said determined.

Laksh shows his hand, "What?"

"That YOU BELONG TO ME! Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari!" She kisses his nose and took all his clothes for the wash.

Laksh was happy. Finally his Ragini was accepting him and wants to prove that he belongs to her.

His insecurity to lose her was gone. A new sprite come on him... Ragini I Love you...


You belong to me - RagLak (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now