" This two have been great friends in cooking & in baking but in other personal activities like school, mall & house they always end up fighting :) "
Joe: Hey ! let's go .. can you be more faster ?!! (serious face)
Ariel: Can you wait I'm a girl not a boy .. girls need to be beautiful you know .. (puts out her tongue)
Joe: Tsk. you don't need to be beautiful .. There's no other chance that all the boys around here will like you .... (evil smile)
Ariel: iisshh.. I HATE YOU !!
Ariel: Well I don't care .!! Are we going or not ? (raise her one eyebrow)
Joe: well come on and stop arguing with me ... (puts ariel inside the car)
Joe: Hey .. do you have any cousins ?
Ariel: Yeah why ?
Joe: Oh nothing .. but I also have cousins a boy actually .. his very smart & talented just like me (grins)
Ariel: Oh really ? I don't care but my cousin are way more prettier than the other girls .. (grins)
Joe: Well I don't care whether they are beautiful or not cuz they're not smart like my cousin
Ariel: iisshh ... will you stop talking and just drive
Joe: Ok fine .. (she has a cousin has also the same age as my cousin not bad .. )
" Finally they arrived at the mall, but lots of restaurants are full so they searched every restaurant inside the mall"
Joe: Urrgghh ... there all full what are we going to do now?
Ariel: If you weren't slow in driving maybe we could arrived here early ..
Joe: Well .. Its all your fault (grins)
Ariel: Oh really?
Joe: Yes ... ! (Serious face)
Ariel: Ok fine .. well let's just eat at our restaurant ?
Joe: Fine ..
-----> 5 minutes later <-------
Ariel: At last .. good food and good place .. (smiles)
Joe: finally .. thanks to your dad's restaurant (smiles)
Tang:(real name of papa yuan in ISWAK) Ok well how about the two of you go inside the house?
Joe & Ariel: OK... (smiles)
Tang: Well joe here's the chocolate cake that ariel baked for you
Ariel: Wait! What ?! No .. I mean yeah .. I mean urrggghhh ....
Joe: hahaha... oh really for me? wow your such a sweet girl ( taps ariel's head)
Ariel: iisshh.. so is it good?
Joe: Yeah .. Its my favorite chocolate cake (smiles)
Tang: Well .. just say hello for your mom & dad Joe ..
Joe: Ok uncle .. (smiles)
" After eating they drive back home "
Joe: Wait .. where's the light its so dark in here ..
Ariel: Yeah .. is there no electricity or something?
Cyndi: (turn on the lights) Welcome home .. Joe & Ariel ..
Zhang: Welcome Home... lovers
Joe: Wait .. What is the meaning of this? She's not my girlfriend...
Ariel: Yeah .. he's not also my boyfriend and were not having a relationship to each other ..
Cyndi: Oh .. I thougt when we're on vacation you'll be having a relationship together....
Ariel: That's ok .. but we can't be together .. sorry
Cyndi: Well don't say that sweetie , you might know if you're soulmates ..
Ariel: (shocking face) Soulmates? (Well that will not going to happen)
Zhang: As for you son me and your mom are just findin the right girlfriend and the right wife for you (Smiles)
Joe: Thanks .. but not ariel ok ?
Cyndi & Zhang: Well its up to you if you will choose ariel or not? well good night you to we need to rest because were so tired in the flight today ..
Ariel: Ok ... well take a good rest and good night .. (Smiles)
Joe: ( Soulmates? hmm?) nah.. that not gonna happen
Ariel: Hey ! who are you talking to? Oh .. or maybe your crazy? hahaha..
Joe: Huh?? no i'm not .. I'm not crazy
Ariel: Oh yeah .. (steps on the stairs and faced joe) well I'm way smarter than you I'll Prove it
Joe: Oh yeah ... ( pull ariel's hand) ( then fell on the floor face to face)
Cyndi: (takes a look at them and takes a picture then went to bed)
Joe: Hey! Get Up!
Ariel: Well I'll prove it to you that I'm way to smarter than you ..
Joe: Well I don't care!
Ariel: Well goodnight ! (goes to her room and closes the door)
Joe: tsskk .. what a kid .. but do I have feelings for her right now? and is she my type now? urrggh what's the use ( went to his room and went to bed)
Hey Guys! sorry that I took you so long to continue my story but guess what I can now continue it probably not everyday but please enjoy my story .. :)
Xie Xie :D