[ 19 ]

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T H E W O L F ' S L A M B



I L O V E D H I M with a burning passion. How I'd tell him? I was unsure, but I knew I would, soon and I didn't care what anyone had to say about it. My head rested against his chest as his fingers brushed against my bare shoudler, his lips hovering of my ear as he whispered sweet nothings to me with a husky voice.

I smiled up at him, gleaming with love and adoration, my lips meeting his in a soft and gentle greeting. "Good morning." I whispered, my face flushed pink. Felix chuckled, licking his lips. "It really is." I laughed in response, slapping his chest in a playful manner. "You're insatiable."

Leaving the bed, I grasped onto a shirt that was sprawled across the floor, slipping it over my head, drowning beneath the majorly oversized piece of clothing. Felix watched me under hooded eyes, never concealing the desire that shone.

Leaping back onto the bed to lay by his side, I kissed his cheek and grinned. "So, tonight..." Felix nodded, urging for me to go on. "I want you to go with me." He cut me off and I frowned instantly. Felix rose a questioning brow and he seemed almost hurt by my expression.

"I was just about to ask you." I told him, nipping his arm. Felix grinned like a wolf and chuckled, the beautiful sound wafting through the air as I laughed with him. "I can't wait to show all them b*stards just exactly who you belong to." He grinned, his dark brown orbs shimmering with lust. I loved the way his eyes never concealed his true feelings, the thought of them always being able to reveal his hidden emotions to me warmed my heart. I loved it just as I loved him.

"We better start getting ready then." I nudged him, pealing my petite frame his much larger one. I pulled on a pair of leggings that I seemed to leave from the last time I'd been at his apartment and fixed my hair. "Pick me up at six." I told him, leaving a lingering kiss upon his soft pair and smiling before leaving his presence and exiting his building.

The driver pulled up towards my waiting figure. I nodded, gesturing that he didn't have to get out of the car. I was capable of opening a car door by myself. As I was driven back to my apartment, I couldn't help but let my sparkling grin widen.


The dress I'd picked out was truly stunning. The black silk clung to my body beautifully. There were no straps, leaving my collarbones on full display. A diamond necklace hung from my neck, filling the bare gap, elegantly.

Felix's hand enveloped my own in a comforting grasp. When he'd first saw me, he'd said the event could go to hell and he'd much prefer if we stayed at home. I scolded him for saying such a thing as a tonight was a charity ball. He rolled his eyes at me and I couldn't help but laugh. Besides, I knew exactly what he wanted to get up to if we chose not to turn up. He truly was insatiable. Another quality I loved about him.

The camera flashed could've blinded me if I wasn't used to them already. Only, now, we seemed to have attracted so much more attention. Felix pulled me close to his side, wearing he fierce look upon his sharp features that caused all around him to shudder in his alluring presence. I, on the other hand, smiled brighter than the flashes and leaned into his warm chest.

Questions were flung our way, but we didn't care to answer. Felix stared down at me with doting eyes and I knew turning up to this event by his side was the correct thing to do. Nobody could tell me otherwise.

Marble floors and marble pillars created a beautiful ancient look to the venue. The interior was simply divine with modern aspects that appealed greatly to the eyes. As we entered, side by side, all eyes seemed to linger onto the two of us.

Felix was unfazed, I, however, was beyond nervous. Felix shifted his hawk like eyes to meet my own, softening as he noticed my nervous state. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm here." He leaned in and left a soft kiss upon my lips. Now, everyone was definitely staring.

Lost in his eyes and within his touch, I allowed the nervousness to fade away into nothingness. I had nothing to be nervous about. Everyone could talk as much as they wanted to, I didn't care. The only person's who's option mattered to me was Felix's and he wanted me to be by his side, just as much as I'd wanted his company, tonight.

When the shock of our relation had sunk in, we had many familiar faces striding towards us, keen to find out how our union begin. With simple and brisk answers, they were satisfied and then pushed to the side by others who desired to know the same details.

Soon, we grew bored with the questions. Felix told hold of my hand and lead me towards the waltzing couples. I grinned as he held me close and then, we danced. Twirling and stepping, I became lost in his eyes. "I never got the chance to tell you...I'm sorry." Felix began and I allowed my eyes to soften. Connecting with his grief filled eyes, I shook my head. "It's okay...just, please don't lie to me again." Felix leaned down and kissed me gentle. And I knew he wouldn't.

It as then, from the corner of my eye, I met gazes with eyes that I adored deeply. My father stood by a door, staring at me with no emotion. He gestured towards the door and left. I knew I was to follow. "My father." I told Felix, stepped away from his touch.

Felix turned, catching my father as he disappeared through some door. He nodded, knowing that I had to speak to him. Ever since the dinner, I was upset at how I'd left things. I loved my father truly and I knew he didn't mean to be so controlling and harsh. It was apart of his nature. He didn't mean in, I knew that.

My dress flowed behind me like the wings of a bird as I left to follow. Standing near the banister is the balcony, my father grasped onto the marble work, his knuckles turning white as he waited for arrival. Still, he looked handsome as ever. He had aged, that was bound to happen, but the look in his eyes when staring down at my mother always caused him to look years younger.

"Daddy..." I called out, holding my shoulders to fight off the bitter cold. My father turned, looking at me blankly as he sighed. "I didn't expect you to turn up with him." I swallowed down a gulp of fear as I remained silent.

"I ask you of this one thing. You couldn't grant your brother this, but I'm your father. Please, break off your relationship with him." He turned at once, uttering the words that I knew were to come.

Knowing this, I was prepared. I sucked in a soft breath and shook my head. "I'm sorry, I can't." My father's jaw clenched as he looked down, betrayal looming in his eyes as he did so. "And why is that?" He asked, his withered eyes burning with distaste.

Stepping away, to leave. He sighed and that's when I conjured the courage to reveal what lingered on the tip of my tongue. "I'm in love with him." I'd never uttered it out loud and to hear it from my own lips, I smiled, grinned. Then, my father turned to me and I knew he didn't like the sound of my genuine words.


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