Oil Change

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It had been a long day at the office for Purgatory’s finest police woman, Nicole Haught. Nedley saddled her with piles upon piles of paperwork and it seemed like the end would never come. To pass the time, she had been texting one Waverly Earp as a distraction from the mind-numbingly dull shift. However, in the last couple hours, Waverly seemed to be less and less responsive to Nicole’s messages. So, Nicole gave up and buckled down, knowing that the sooner she finished, the sooner she would get to see her baby.

The moment Officer Haught uploaded the final file to the Sheriff’s Department database, she sent Waverly a text.

“Hey baby, just finished my shift. Meet me at my place?”

Five minutes passed with radio silence from the younger girl. Eventually Nicole got up from her desk and sulked to her car. Thinking she had been too clingy again, Nicole turned on her radio, tipped her head back, tilted her Stetson over her eyes, and sighed. Breaking the silence was the Kim Possible text tone she had reserved for Waverly. Finally! But Nicole feared for the worst. Even though Wynonna was “Goononna”, as she so affectionately refers to her possessed self, when she said it, Nicole couldn't help but worry that what she said was true.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t see this earlier! I hope you’re not mad! I kind of have my hands full in the barn working on a project. But I really want to see you. Can you meet me here? Door’s open.”

Nicole tried to fight it, but she couldn’t help the goofy smile that spread across her face.

“Sounds perfect. See you soon <3”


After the long, bumpy ride to the homestead, Nicole was eager to see her adorable nerdy girlfriend. And she would be lying if she said a small part of her wasn’t hoping Waverly would surprise her in that cheerleading outfit again…

Gently pushing the barn door open careful not to startle the youngest Earp, Nicole expected to see Waverly right away. But curiously, that was not the case. In the middle of the barn was Wynonna’s motorcycle and there were faint sounds being emitted from behind. Looking around in all corners of the room, Nicole lightly questioned, “Waverly? Are you in here?”

“Oh hi, baby! I didn’t hear you!”

Nicole whipped her head around to the sound. All she could see was Waverly’s head peeking up over the seat of the bike, her hair tousled slightly, a lavender bandana tied up in a bow as a headband.

“Whatcha doing back there? Need some help?” Nicole asked.

“Yes, actually! Can you grab me that wrench? I just have a liiiitle more to do.”

Nicole walked towards the hay bale where many tools were laid out, grabbed the wrench, and turned back towards Waverly and the bike. Except this time, it wasn’t just Waverly’s head. This time, Nicole saw just what her girlfriend was wearing, and wow…

Standing behind the bike was Waverly, her girlfriend, dressed in dark blue coveralls tied at the waist, covered in grease, and a black sports bra, smiling widely as if she didn’t know what a tease she was being simply by standing there.

Suddenly, Officer Nicole Haught had great difficulty connecting her brain to her mouth. There were far too many things to comment on, but nowhere near enough words.

“So…uh…That’s…What I mean is…You’re… What exactly is it that you’re working on?”

Waverly smiled at her bumbling girlfriend. “Oh just changing the oil for Wynonna because she refuses to do it herself. Something about maintenance and a machine needing more care than a human.”

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