New Policies Update (IMPORTANT)

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Hey you guys! 

For anyone who isn't keeping up with the Discord chat, I've established a new policy! So read carefully!   


I've noticed some instances in which people publish on days on which they're not assigned or people miss their day assigned to publish. For these reasons, I've put into place a new system. 

If you break a rule such as: 

- Vandalize the OneShot Book(s)
- Target another writer/Wattpadder
- Break any of the policies we discussed before giving you your position as a writer

- Publish on a day that isn't assigned to you

- Forget to publish on your day

Then you'll receive one warning

Each of you starts out with zero warnings. Once you receive your third warning, then you'll be asked to leave the SasuSakuComm OneShot Writer Squad (just as a writer. You may still be allowed to have other positions in the SasuSakuComm). 

You shouldn't have any reason to vandalize or mess with the OneShot books or other SasuSakuComm books with letting myself or nyance know before-hand. You also have no reason to target other writers or Wattpadders whether they're pro-SasuSaku or not. 

Also, if you don't know when to publish, I suggest you hold off on publishing your OneShot whenever you want and come to ask me about it first. 

If you can't publish your OneShot on the day you're assigned, just let me know and I can publish it for you. Unless you have a legitimate excuse to miss your day to publish, you'll receive a warning.  


I'm sorry things are getting a little bit strict, but we don't have a schedule set for nothing. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!  

We'll be putting together an October schedule soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also, if you still haven't joined the Discord server (which majority of you have already), please PM me for the link . so you can come join us!! 

















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