Chapter 1: The Granzreich Palace

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Aria's POV:
As we roam around the Granzreich palace, I got so astounded and fascinated by the large appearance of the royal palace.

"As I expected for a royal palace, I'm quite pleased with the aesthetics and design." I complimented.

"It is a unique palace indeed, but wait until you see the inside." He reassured me as I nod firmly at my father's words.

"I'm forward for our first meeting." I said until we soon stop to see two guards noticing us.

"Stop right there, both of you." One guard halted.

"Huh?" We both stopped with puzzled looks on our faces by the guard's sudden order.

"That's right, this is where you kids stop so please step away from the palace." The other guard ordered.

"Agreed, if you want to see the king, you must have permission from him." He informed us, but my dad put his hand up to them with a calm look.

"Have no fear men, I am the royal tutor and I already have permission from the royal highness himself so if you kindly-"

"Ah I see, so both of you are the royal tutor's son and daughter!" The first guard assumed, leaving my father undaunted yet I could see his irritation in his eyes that had my sweat drip down from my head.

Oh my...

I thought unsurprisingly. This isn't something out of the ordinary. Whenever we went out in public, people always assume that we're brother and sister due to our heights.

"Why yes of course! Why won't both of you tell us where your papa is?" The other guard insisted which had my dad pouting at him when he calls him "son".

"Ummm...excuse sirs, but I think you guys are mistaken. We're not actually-"

"What's going on here?" As I was about to clear the misunderstanding, an elderly woman with light blonde hair tied up in a bun approaching us.

"Please don't mind them, I'm pleased that both of you arrived at our home. My grandsons are looking forward to meet you professor and professor's daughter." She sweetly greeted us which had the guards completely dumbfounded and disbelief, but me and my dad are unfazed by their reactions and politely bow our head to her.

"Thank you very much ma'am, a pleasure to meet you as well." My dad politely greeted.

"The pleasure is mine as well, ma'am." I chimed.

"Wonderful, now please follow me. My grandsons are waiting for you in the palace right now." She genuinely assured us before turning back as she began escorting us to the palace.

"We are deeply honored your majesty." My Dad said as me and my dad follow her, the two guards are left in complete shock.

"No way, that little kid is the royal tutor?" The guard whispered to the other guard in disbelief.

"This is cant be..." The second guard murmured and just before we went inside the palace, my father and I stop walking for a moment.

"..I am, I assure you. As for today, I'll be serving as the royal tutor at the Granzreich family with my daughter by my side to help me. I'm Heine Wittgenstein, and by the way..." Soon my father whip his head to the guards with a serious glare.

"I may look like a child, but I assure you, I am a grown adult." He sternly told them.

"PLEASE FORGIVE US PROFESSOR!!!" The guards fearfully apologized, but I turn to the guards and bow my head at them.

"It's alright, and please don't mind. It happens a lot with me and my father, so please don't feel bad about it." I consoled as I rise my back while keeping my gaze at them.

"Also, I'm Heine's daughter, Aria Wittgenstein. It's pleasure to meet you both." I greeted them which the guards nod and smiled softly at me.

"Pleasure to meet you, milady." They replied by bowing their heads.

Meanwhile at the palace, my dad and I were following Mrs. Granzreich upstairs where she and my dad were talking about the princes.

"My apologies Mr. Wittgenstein, I should've informed them about your stature and your daughter at a head of time." She apologized.

"There's nothing to forgive, I'm quite accustomed to being mistaken as a child and my daughter being mistaken as my older sister." My father reassured her.

"Also Queen Granzreich, I'm quite surprised that the king send us an invitation despite the fact that we're not noble." He told her.

"I agree, it's quite shocking for me. Never in my wildest dreams that a commoner like me and my father would receive a post like this." I admitted.

"Nonsense, your gifts are considerable. The king told me all about your expertise professor especially your lovely daughter of yours." She compliment me which I smiled at her kind words.

"I appreciate the compliment your majesty, I've always wanted to become a tutor like my father so this is rather a great experience for me to cherish." I replied to her with a smile.

"With pleasure, and this is where the princes are waiting for you." She informed us as we both peered at the door where we look up and down at the huge door that she's telling us.

Well this is it...

I thought where I'm a bit nervous of meeting the royal princes for the first time. I can't wait...

"Well thank you very much for your service Queen mother, I appreciate your kindness." He politely thanked her.

"Oh your welcome, and please don't be afraid of coming to me for help. Have a nice day." She kindly said as she left the hallway. Once she's gone, my father glance up at me.

"Are you prepared Aria?" He asked curiously I took a deep breathe and breathe out before giving him a nod with a grin.

"I'm ready, father." I replied coolly and my father ko at me as he opens the door where me and my dad saw four young princes standing before us that left me with awe.

It's like they came out of a picture...

I thought until I felt a light rap from my right wrist when I snapped out of my thoughts and glance at my father.

"Let's go Aria." He reminded and I nod at him.

"Right." I complied calmly as we walk in the room and get on our knees in front of the four princes.

"It's pleasure to meet you all, I'm Heine Wittgenstein and this is my daughter, Aria. As for today, we'll be the royal tutor at the Granzreich palace." He politely greeted as the light shines through the room that had us widening our eyes to see the real beauty of the four young royal princes.

...they're even gorgeous under the light...

I thought while staring at the princes where I couldn't help but admired their magnificent beauty. Awed by their presence, I witnessed a young man with short blonde hair strolling towards us.

"The pleasure is ours, welcome to the palace." He kindly greeted us and I become fond by his warm-hearted nature and his bright smile that had me smiling a little.

He seems nice....

I thought while staring at them while slightly swooning over their attractive appearance and the short haired prince's kind nature.

As the young man with short blonde hair and blue eyes approach us, he flashes a bright gentle smile.

"We are so thrilled to have you bout with us...." He greeted sweetly, but....

"Oh please, do you really think we're going to make this easy for you?" He harshly asked as the young blonde haired prince quickly drops the kind smile and plasters a cold glare at us.

"Eh?" Me and my dad baffled at the young prince's sudden change of attitude.

On second thought, maybe this is going to be harder than I thought it would be.....

I mentally admitted where things are going to be a rough start for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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