Milk Chocolate (Brian ¤ Alex Grapefruit)

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Hours of recording. Hours all lost because Jay still had the damn cap on his camera. If that lousy cameraman hadn't left so early to help Tim with his laptop, Alex would have socked him in his stomach. So, because murder is illegal, he went into the woods to walk off his pissy mood. Brian followed.
"What do you want?" The director asked as Brian caught up. He was slightly out of breath.
"I wanted," he paused to catch his breath," to walk with you. You're so upset," he paused again,"over nothing."
The man was, unfortunately, correct. Jay didn't know about his error, and at least they figured it out before anything got too extreme. It wasn't too bad, most of the recording was bloopers anyways. It didn't really matter.
"Still, what if everything went perfect? Would you be just as pissed?" Alex's head burned with rage. He didn't mind having all this anger towards his faulty recording man, but to Brian? How would he even bring himself to yell at that cinnamon roll? Brian was... Brian was too innocent.
"No. I'm mean, I guess, but I'd move on pretty fast. You shouldn't have yelled at him like that," Brian confessed.
The director sighed. "You're too nice for your own good" he shook his head. It was the truth, and nothing short of it.
The woods were calm and cool, not a chilling cool, but a comfortable cool. Just cold enough for a light jacket. Every few seconds, a bird's chirp echoed through the trees, creating a choir. It was peaceful. In near 15 minutes, the director had calmed down. Sometimes all he needed was silence, and nothing more, however, having Brian next to him kept the reminder in mind that he was human. Alex wasn't a monster, Alex wasn't a murderer, Alex was human. He was allowed to get angry, he was allowed to yell, he was allowed to be alone to nothing but his thoughts. The man was intended to be a reminder. That was his purpose in Alex's life. The director smirked at the idea.
"Y'know, it's good to see you smile," Brian perked up, looking right at Alex. The man's eyes shone bright and his face was forever struck with childish agenda. It made the director want to kiss him right there. Those eyes. Damn them; so full of curiosity.
"It's good to have you by my side." Alex's face was flushed. He didn't make eye contact with Brian, but instead looked at the forest floor. As you'd expect, it was covered with leaves and sticks. Up ahead was a clearing.
Brian took Alex's hand. "Follow me!" They dashed through said clearing. It lead to an area surrounded, but not covered by, trees. There was table after table with a roof. It was an eating area, to put it simply. The forest had claimed it, for it was overgrown with vegetation. Brian led the director to a table so overgrown you couldn't see the original colour of the bench. In the center was a small patch of Crested Irises.
"How did you know about this?" Alex asked, taking in the scene before him.
"Well, you see, I wo-" Brian paused for a moment. "I found it during a nature walk," he finally said, although not seeming too confident or giddy about his statement. Brian now seemed less than eccentric.
"It's beautiful," Alex stated, giving Brian a warm smile. The man smiled back before ignoring the whole back story.
"Let's go sit down." the man led Alex to the overgrown seating with the bundle of flowers. He brushed off the leaves to show a space for only two people to sit. The whole place was overall peaceful. Sure, the constant feeling of being watched still gnawed at Alex's brain, but it didn't make him look behind himself. It more felt like he was an actor on stage, the audience's eyes stuck on him. It was most pleasurable.
The seats were cool due to the fall weather and the air had a deep hickory scent. The two faced the way they came, their backs facing the table. A breeze crescendoed through. The director shuddered. Maybe he should've brought a heavier jacket...
In a quick instant, Alex was suddenly warm. Brian slipped his jacket on the director and pulled him close. The man was silent, a calm, unresponsive looking face stuck on his normally smiley one. Alex snuggled into Brian.
What am I doing? Alex asked himself. He didn't mind being like this, but it was nothing less of strange. The man had hugged the director before, so why now? What was so different? Maybe because they were alone? Because it was colder than normal for September? It's probably better he didn't ask questions. He had a lot that had no answer.
Brian kissed Alex's forehead and snuggled into his light brown hair. He let out a long sigh that warmed Alex's head.
"Okay, Brian, this is getting weird..."
The man retreated from Alex's warm body.
The two sat in embarrassment and flush. It wasn't that cold now, at least. Brian reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a half-eaten choco-bar. He broke off three pips and motioned them to Alex.
"Take it."
The director didn't deny. It was at least a good make up for the weird moment beforehand. He didn't really prefer milk chocolate, more liked caramel, but he didn't mind. "Thanks."
As he pulled a rectangle off and nibbled at it, Alex watched as Brian pulled off the same amount he gave him, and put the quantity in his mouth. Although he couldn't understand him, Alex was quite fond of Brian, he more than likely even more fond of Alex, based upon the minutes prior. He slightly chuckled at the whole thing and stared off into the trees as if looking for a creature that didn't exist.
Time passed by and Brian had finished the rest of the chocolate bar. He looked over at the director who had melted chocolate caking his bottom lip and fingertips. It wasn't until he said something that Alex noticed.
"Chocolate's a real pain when it's runny, isn't it?" Brian asked.
Surprised, he looked at Brian, then realized the mess. "Oh man..."
The hooded man chuckled and pulled out a few napkins. "Best to have these on ya at all times," he laughed.
Alex rolled his eyes and took the handful. "Oh you're so funny." He began to wipe the melted chocolate off his hand.
Brian watched him. And then there it was: a cursed thought. One he's had for quite a while. He wanted to lick the chocolate off his lips.
That wasn't the common thought, of course, but it was the one right now. Alex would probably decline the slightly promiscuous idea. Yeah, he would. He was just like that, although maybe he was just wasn't one for love. Well, it was Alex. He's a man shrouded in mystery. Dark, luscious mystery.
The director lightly began lapping up the liquid cocoa on his lips, having quite the time with wiping it off his hand, and so, seeing his opportunity because this is a fan fiction, he slid over and licked it off Alex's lips. The director was, like most would be, shocked. It was a strange sensation he wasn't ready for, nor did he want to be. He pushed Brian off.
"What was that?" Alex asked in a calm tone.  He wasn't really mad with Brian, more just surprised. He wanted a reason.
The hooded man hesitated to answer. What did he do?
What was desired, foolish boy!
A voice called in his head. It mocked him.
You know about your love towards him, it teased, you remember all those lonely nights, don't you?
Brian had. With not that many friends or more just lack of roommates, his time from dusk to dawn groaned deep of lonesomness. Many of those nights were spent doing more private, X-rated actions. Brian shuddered. He could hear those nights.
"It was something," he answered.
Alex didn't look amused.
"No shit."
"Don't get upset again," Brian had warned. "You're attitude is the whole reason we're back in this clearing."
The temper tantrum had slipped Alex's mind. He groaned at it. Brian, however, thought other things of the slight moan.
Desire took over him as he slid the director onto his lap, making him face his captor.
"Brian?" Alex questioned, a tiny hitch of fear frogged his throat and an uncomfortable lump lie there. He was scared of his friend.
Said friend pulled the boy close and a hand ran its way to overseer's trachea, revealing it so Brian could begin to bite.
A moan released from Alex. He shook his head, trying to keep the lewd thought out.
He whimpered like a dog. He had never had been bitten before in a whorish way. Licentious ideas flooded his head, but Alex tried to keep his dam of chaste reasoning up. Brian, all the while, was licking, bitting, and marking the exposed skin, making deep, deep love marks. Smutty, uncontrolled whines spilled from Alex's lips as that of water from a waterfall. A wanting marinated the rich moans. Brian pulled him closer. The director could feel the curves and caverns of his body even through the jacket.
After another minute of biting, the hooded man moved to the other side of his prey's throat, finding a highly sensitive part in a matter of seconds, sending Alex into a fit of strong series of pleads to stop and whimpers of which counteract the begging. The dam of pure ideals was busted and the horribly pornographic images flowed into his mind. They grew wilder as Brian slowed down, allowing the overseer to feel the protuberance in his pants.
It's like a dream, Alex's awareness along with his horniness grew, A teasingly sexy dream. Brian pulled away and inspected his capture. Saliva dribbled from its mouth. Alex twitched frantically in his hands.
"You're so perfect," the hooded man complimented. He tugged upwards at the directors shirt. "Do more markings make you hornier?" He had lifted the shirt over Alex's stomach before a voice called.
"Hey! Alex! Brian! We got more tapes!"
It was Jay. He was dashing through the forest trying to find the two. Brian pulled his prey's shirt down immediately and sat him on the bench, grabbing his jacket and putting it over himself. Alex's twitching slowed. "We continue this at your house after recording understand?" He whispered in the boy's ear.
Alex gave a slight nod. He understood clearly.
Jay rumbled through the entrance to the clearing.  "Hi guys!" The cameraman cartwheeled over. "What were you doing?" Jay looked concurred.
"Wrestling," Brian answered. He probably didn't expect to be caught.
Blue Jay cocked his head to the side. "Some wrestling you did. You obviously won," he looked at Brian.
"Alex's knows that." The hooded man chucked at himself. For being attractive, he was dominating.
"Well, c'mon guys, let's get this done and over with," the cameraman said, waking away.
"You're mine," Brian commanded to Alex after he saw Jay wasn't in sight. "You're only mine.  What's your owner's name?"
Alex caught his breath. "B-Brian," he stuttered.
"Good boy," the man appraised, kissing the boy's forehead. "Now get up, the faster we do this the faster you get my cock."

(I'm not dead! Yay me! Over 1700 words. Took me long enough

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