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I don't own these characters. These character are from the series and book Why R U by CandyOn.


I made a promise with my sister a while ago, that her fictional world would come true if I were lying about kissing Saifah and it did. I am now dating the one and only Saifah; who I had once hated, but have now come to love. It will be his birthday tomorrow and I really want to show how special he is to me by writing a song for him and performing it at his party. He was the one that taught me how to play guitar, so I think this would be the perfect gift for him. It isn't all that easy writing a song though and I have been finding it harder and harder getting away from Saifah to go work on it. 

"Hey Zon!" Said Saifah as he came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Do you want to go to the new Cafe that opened up?" He asked me with sparkling puppy eyes. I had to look away, so that I didn't drown in them and end up saying yes. "I'm s-sorry. I can't. I h-have an a-appointment with my m-mom." I stuttered my way through the lie. Did I mention that I happen to be a horrible liar? I'm sure that Saifah has suspected that something is up, since I am acting suspiciously nervous and I am always busy, but as long as he doesn't know about the gift then everything is fine. 

I turned to look at him and he was looking at me with suspicion. "Again? Your busier then usual these days. We barely have time to hang out with each other." Saifah said. "I'm s-sorry. My mom said I had to go with her and there was no getting out of it." I looked away and stuttered. I looked at my watch and pretended that I was going to be late and needed to be home. "Gotta go! See you tomorrow Sai." I then kissed him on the cheek and hurried home to work on the song. 

Saifah POV


Zon is always busy these days... Is he actually busy or does he not like me anymore? I'm really hoping for it not to be the latter. It is perfectly plausible that he did indeed have an appointment with his mom and couldn't go on a date with me today. 

Who am I kidding? He is a terrible liar. There is no way that he couldn't come with me today because of an appointment with his mom. 

There must be something that he is trying to keep hidden from me... Well, if he doesn't want me to know, then I won't pry. I know Zon and he will tell me when he wants me to know about it. I'm also afraid of what he is hiding from me. It could be that he wants to break up with me, but can't find a way to tell me...


I feel like Zon has influenced me in his overthinking ways. 


I finally made it home and immediately went to my room. I picked up my guitar and got my pencil and music sheets. I started working on putting  the final finishes to the song. "There! It's finally finished!!" I said ecstatically. I can't wait to perform this for him tomorrow at his birthday party. I then got ready to go to bed, so that I'll be well rested for tomorrow.

The next day

It's finally the day that I will perform the song that I wrote for Saifah. I hope he'll like it... It isn't quite time yet for me to perform though, so I go over and greet the birthday boy. "Hey Sai." I say as I hug him from behind. "Happy birthday!" I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. "Oh! Zon!" He said as he turns around in my embrace to hug me back. "I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you lately, since you are always so busy..." He said while hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry Sai... Don't worry though because I won't be busy anymore and I'll be free to go on dates with you!" I said while looking into his sparkling puppy eyes. "Really?!?!" He asked excitedly. I nodded my head at him and couldn't help but smile when I saw how excited he was. 

I was then summoned by Tutor to come to the stage to perform. This was it... The moment I had been preparing for... I was super nervous and starting shaking as I made my way to the stage. Tutor handed me my guitar and walked off of the stage. I looked over at Saifah and he had a look of shock and confusion on his face. "Hello! My name is Zon and I going to perform a song that I wrote for my wonderful boyfriend Saifah." I said to the audience as I blushed. I heard the crowd go "Ooooooo" and saw them all look towards Saifah who was also starting to blush. I then started playing the song I had wrote and looked at Saifah the entire time I was performing. I could see tears gathering in his eyes by the time that I was done. 

Once I was done playing, I got off the stage and Saifah walked towards me and kissed me. "Thank you Zon. I loved the song. It was beautiful." He said with his voice choked with tears. "Is this what you were doing when you were 'busy'?" He asked and held my face in his hands. "Yes" I said as I nuzzled into his hands. He then hugged me and whispered "I love you." I then whispered back "I love you too." 

Thank you for reading my one shot on these two!! :) Sorry I haven't written anything in a while. I didn't have any motivation to write until now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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