Anger issues

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I literally copied the first few chapters out of the first book Kim family.

"Soonyoung how many time so I have to say stop staring at my cousin and go back to work?" Yoongi asked tapping his foot. "Sorry." Soonyoung said smiling sheepishly. "But look at him he's adorable." "Yeah, yeah, we still have 20 minutes in this shift so go back to work."

"Hi hyung." Jun greeted Jihoon followed by Vernon and his boyfriend Seungkwam. "Hi." Jihoon mumbled playing with his sweater paws. He had a child like wonder in his eyes and his figure was completely relaxed. "What are you doing here hyung?" Jun asked. "Waiting for Hoshi." Jihoon answered still distracted by his sweater paws. "You look so cute in Soonies sweater." Seungkwam cooed. "You can barley see him. He's that tiny." Vernon joked. Jihoon was suddenly more alert and the child like wonder disappeared from his eyes. Jihoon lowered his gazes further as he kept playing with his sweater paws trying to not lash out. "Hyung my eomma said he would come by your house later." Jun said. "Jeonghan hyung is coming by." He mumbled to himself trying to distract him from the anger bubbling up in him.

He closed his eyes. 'There is no reason to be angry he just made a joke.' Jihoon kept repeating to himself.

Jihoon was startled out of his thoughts when someone put his hands on his shoulders. He look up confused only to find Soonyoung smiling at him. "H-hi hyung." Jihoon greeted. "Having trouble again." Soonyoung whispered earring a nod. "Guys we need to go we had something planned." Soonyoung said before taking Jihoon with him.

They ended up at a bench in a nearby park. "Hoonie take a deep breath for me." Soonyoung tells Jihoon. Jihoon repeats the action a few time till he feels his anger disappear. "That's it. Your getting better at managing it." Soonyoung says hugging the smaller. "Really?" Jihoon asks blushing a bit. "Yeah, tell me when was the last time you lashed out at someone?" "A few months ago when I tried to hit the twins with my guitar." 

Jihoon has Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) which mean that he can suddenly feel an excessive amount of anger to the point he can even attack someone. The first time it happened he had attacked Soonyoung. After he had felt a strange sense of relief and soon after regret. He had locked himself in his room scared that something like that would happen again.

After the third time it happened his parents had sent him to a therapist. He was quickly diagnosed with IED. His disorder can easily ruin relationships with people that's why he's glad he still has Soonyoung who is prepared to help when needed.

"Soonie can we go watch the stars tonight? The sky is supposed to be clear and appa is willing to drive us to grandma so we can see them." Jihoon asked. Soonyoung saw he had a child like wonder in his eyes meaning he far away from anger. "Sounds fun."

That night they both were laying next to each other watching the stars. "Soonie look that's the Big Dipper and Lupus and there is ...." Jihoon happily shows Soonyoung all the constellations he sees. Soonyoung can't help but stare at the boy. He looked so peaceful like this. Like nothing could get to him. No negative emotion just happiness.

"Hyung are you even listening?" Jihoon asks. "Sorry, I was to distracted by your beauty." Jihoon snorts as he climbs over Soonyoungs laying form to straddle him. "What are you doing?" Soonyoung asks curious. "I'm going to kiss you." Jihoon says confident as he lets his upper body get closer to Soonyoungs and pecks him. "Just a little peck fairy?" Soonyoung asks pouting. Jihoon giggles and kisses him longer this time. "I love you." Jihoon breaths as they separated. "I love you too."

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