Emolga's First Halloween

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The time was nearly 9:00, and Emolga was getting ready for Halloween. It was going to be her first time trick-or-treating. Her friends Pachirisu and the ever sprightly Togedemaru were taking her out. She put on her fake teeth and fake blood and finally, she looked like a vampire. She was ready to go out.

Just then, the doorbell rang. She opened the door to find a ghost and a jack-o'-lantern waiting there. Pachirisu, the ghost spoke first. "Hey there, Vampire Girl!" he said with a grin.
"Hi! Are you ready!" replied Emolga.
"Yep!" replied the cheerful ghost.
"Then let's go!"

The first door that they knocked on had a spider on it. The door opened to a Druddigon with a Koffing mask on.
"Trick or treat!" they all cried
"What have we got here. A vampire, a ghost and what are you? A pineapple?"
"No... I- I'm a jack-o'-lantern, sir" Togedemaru nervously replied, though his spiky spines did make him look more like a pineapple than a jack-o'-lantern. They all got some Pokebeans from him. They thanked him and left.

The next house was a special one. They sent Togedemaru to the door. He nervously knocked on the door. The door burst open to reveal an overexcited Dedenne.
"Oh, Togie, you came! Did you bring all your friends!"
"Yes, mom..." Togedemaru replied, embarrassed. We stepped out, pulling our best cute faces.
"Aww, how sweet! Do you want one of wittle Togie-poos cupcakes!"
"Mum, you're embarrassing me!"
"Sorry, sweetie poos!" Emolga felt kinda bad. They all took a cupcake and left.

After a couple more houses, they came to a small hut with a skull and crossbones on. Pachirisu knocked. Out came a Rayquaza! They were all terrified. Then it laughed and they saw an orange figure get out of the outfit!
"Raichu, that wasn't funny!"
"Oh, so sorry Patches. Did I hurt your wittle feelings!"
"Shut up!" Emolga yelled. "You've been a bully ever since you were a Pikachu! Just because all the trainers like you!"
"Yeah right." He then noticed our candy. "Hey, gimme that candy!"
"No, it's ours!"
"Then I'll just take it myself!" Raichu laughed. He came up and leaned over them intimidatingly...

Suddenly, a shadow ball flew out from the street and hit Raichu in the face. It was followed by three more.
"Ugh..." Raichu cried. "Fine. I don't even like Blue Pokeblocks!" He stormed back into his house. They turned to see their savior. They saw a short, faded yellow figure for a second, then it ran off.

For the rest of the night, the spooky trio travelled around the town and gathered many sweets.
They even got some Pokebeans! The night was almost over, and almost everyone else had gone back home.
"It's getting late" murmured Togedemaru
"Yeah" replied Pachirisu.
Suddenly, they saw an abandoned, run down mansion in the forest. It had a jack-o'-lantern outside.
"Hey look! Nobody's gone there yet!" said Emolga.
A voice from behind startled them. "There's a reason for that..." Scared, they turned around to see Pumpkaboo, the adorable goth. "Legend says that this Trainer went in there and something in there killed him. Enter at your own risk..."
Another voice rang out in the distance. "Pumpkaboo, stop scaring those three with your ridiculous stories!" It was Gourgeist, Pumpkaboo's mother.
"Yes, MOM!" he replied and stormed off.

Pachirisu was excited. "Come on, let's go in!"
"But what if something kills me! I don't wanna go in!" replied Togedemaru. "I'm going home." And with that, he left. It was just Emolga and Pachirisu.

Emolga was a bit scared. She didn't really want to be the one to knock. But suddenly, Pachirisu pushed her towards the door and her fist struck it! It creaked open. A sad looking face peeked out. Was it a Pikachu? No, it looked like some kind of puppet.
"H... H... Hello...." it whispered faintly. Suddenly, they heard running and the door slammed shut.

"Hey, come on, let's find him!"
No, Pachirisu, it's breaking and entering!"
Emolga was livid. But Pachirisu was insistent. He threw the door open and marched into the void. Emolga could only follow. And so she followed, into the abyss...

The house was old and smelled of mildew. Emolga was very scared. She even heard Pachirisu slightly whimper. But they went on. Suddenly, they heard the crackle of an old gramophone burst to life above them, frightening them both terribly. Pachirisu kept searching; he went towards the kitchen. Emolga however, she went upstairs.

The music seemed to be coming from a room with a black wooden door. Emolga's fear was replaced with a sense of adventure. She pushed the door open with a creak. In the room was a bed. And on the bed was a puppet.

The puppet almost looked like a Pikachu. It was faded, and the head wasn't upright; it looked like had a broken neck. It turned towards Emolga. Emolga could see eyes in the stomach area, but merely marker pen drawings for the Pikachu face. It turned to Emolga. Suddenly it screamed.

"Wah! Who are you!" the puppet cried.
"My name is Emolga. Who are you?"
The puppet seemed to calm down a bit and get shy.
"Mimikyu." it said shyly.
"What are you doing here, Mimikyu?" asked the plucky flying squirrel.
"Well, I live here!" Mimiku replied.
Suddenly the penny seemed to drop for Emolga.
"Wait... But that means... You... You..."
"Yes..." sobbed Mimikyu. "But let me tell you the full story..."

"It was 7 years ago. I had just had this place for 2 months. I was very comfortable. Back then, I was roommates with a Rotom. I think the previous owners, like, got poisoned or something. But yeah, we were happy. But one day, this kid, Arrow I think, came in. I didn't like the look of him; he looked like someone who was mean their Pokémon sometimes. Anyway, he found me; I was pretending to be a stuffed Pikachu on a shelf; Rotom was hiding in the TV. He sent out his Pokémon, Kricketune. Very underlevelled, very upset. But that didn't matter. He just Ultra Balled me and I couldn't react in time. And so I was caught. He sent me out. Then he violently ripped my costume off. Now, some insight on me. I'm a Pokémon that scares anyone to death that sees me. It's not my fault! That's why I wear this outfit! But yeah, he died instantly. It wasn't my fault. Please don't judge me..."

Emolga was in shock. "Oh my gosh!"
"But what happened to Rotom?"
"Oh..." laughed Mimikyu. "Caught by this cool guy called Lewis. Loves all his Pokémon; Rotom entered the Hall of Fame and got to Level 100. Heh."
"Well, I gotta go now. Bye, Mimikyu. I'll visit soon!" Emolga said. And so he left, knowing she had made a friend that day.

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