Chapter 1

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm in love with a girl,
And so are you.

Max's pov:

Texting Eli in class had become a routine for me now. The class would start and about five minutes in I would get bored and discreetly pull out my phone and start a conversation. This time we were talking about different toppings on pizza. She said, Pineapple on pizza is a crime...;).
So I replied with, How could you?! I feel so betrayed right now :).
I smiled faintly at the screen and switched my phone off as the teacher started to put us into pairs for some kind of project. I got paired with Toni and Cameron, my two best friends. Cameron winked at me from across the classroom as he walked towards me. Toni was already sitting next to me so she just went off to get some sheets of paper from our teacher, Mrs. Brandon. "Boring class, huh?" Cameron snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Uh yeah..., yeah I guess." I replied distractedly.
"You OK Max?"
"Yeah... yeah just a little tired I guess."
Cameron shrugged his shoulders and went off to help Toni with something. The reason I was so distracted was because I was going to ask Eli if she wanted to meet up for the first time after school today. I shook myself awake from my daydreams and got started on the project with Toni and Cameron.

Eli's pov:

I switched off my phone anxiously and tapped it in my lap. I was going to ask Max if she wanted to meet me for the first time today. I was super nervous since I didn't know how she would react. My mum went on and on about something to do with her best friend, Alice, while we drove home. I'd been away for the whole weekend on a DofE trip with my friends. "So what do you think?" Mum said, suddenly breaking into my thoughts.
"Uh... cool?" I replied, not even sure what I was affirming.
"Right! So I'm leaving on Friday and I'll see you again Sunday night, darling." Oh, so mum was going away this weekend. I breathed a loud sigh of relief, realising I wouldn't have to make up an excuse when I went to meet Max.                                                                                                                           "You ok, my lovely?" asked my mum, with a look of concern on her face.                                                  "'Course." I replied and I smiled at her as she pulled into the driveway.

 I got out of the car and went inside and straight to my room. Thank God for inset days! I thought as I plonked down on my bed, rubbing the soft velvety covers and pulling out my phone again. I got up and walked to my desk to grab my earphones. I went on Spotify and put 'Mr. Brightside'  by The Killers on. I lay down and let myself melt into the covers and as the song replayed itself and every time it restarted I fell asleep a little more....

Next day, still Eli:

I carried my mum's suitcase outside and shoved it in the boot of our car. I was thinking about the fact that I would finally be meeting Max that afternoon and I started to get nervous, thinking, what if it all goes wrong? what if she hates me? what if-                                                                           "Well, that's all so I should be off now, wouldn't want to miss my flight!" said my mum, bursting my bubble of anxiety.

So that's the end of chapter 1! Sorry it's so short/cringe, I'll try to make it better as I go along :)
See ya babes :x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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