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Sasha's POV

I'm currently sitting on a crate looking on Twitter, everyone is using the #WeWantSasha. I start to cry because I'm injured and I can't wrestle, but that's not the main reason why I'm not wrestling. I have yet to tell everyone I'm going through a divorce. I found out that Mikaze was cheating on me, I didn't even ask with who. I just walked out. I'm not going to lie, getting married so young was a bad idea, but I've been a good wife. Hunter is the only one who knows about it, he told me if I need anything just ask he also gave me sometime off to cope with the situation. Having time off isn't going to help me honestly it will make me think more about my divorce. I get off my phone and wipe my tears. "Sasha?" I heard from a distance, I look to see one of my best friends Seth Rollins jogging towards me. "Hey why are you crying Shorty?" Seth asks concerned. "I'm not and I'm not that short." Sasha tries to hide the sadness with sass. "Please don't hide your emotions from me." Seth sighs. "Okay, Come by my hotel room after RAW, room 206" she tells him. "Okay deal Mer. But hey cheer up I love seeing your smile. But I have to go, wish me luck!" Seth walks away.


After RAW Sasha drove to the hotel, she got her key and went to her room. She laid on the bed and almost immediately there was a knock at her door. She groans with annoyance and gets up. She opened the door to see Seth standing there with a bag full of food.

Seth's POV

After RAW I was invited to go get drinks with Roman and Dean but I kindly declined, I promised Sasha I'll stop by her room. Of course when I told them that they made fun of me. They always thought me and Sasha were more than friends. Anyway, I drive to the hotel but stop at a McDonald's to get us some food. I already know Sasha's order, I wrote it down in my phone to remember. I got the food and drive to the hotel. Once I get there I grab my key and find Sasha's room. I knocked and heard her groan, I laugh to myself. She opens the door and smiles at me. "Hey Sethie!" Sasha says. "Hey Bossy" I reply. I walk in and set the food down. I open my arms for a hug but she ignores it and goes right to the food. That's my best friend. She grabs the fries I got her and sits on the bed. I grab my burger and sit with her. "So tell me what's wrong." I tell her. "Well, I'm getting a divorce.." her voice crackles as she's on the verge of tears. "W-why?" I stutter. "Cause, he cheated on me, that fucker cheated on me" she cries with angry lacing her voice. I get mad as soon as the words escape her lips. "HOW DARE HE! ILL KILL HIM! YOU ARE LITERALLY PERFECTION AND HE CHEATS ON YOU WITH SOME BITCH!" I yell. Sasha just cries, I soon soften up and scoop her into a hug. "Hey hey hey don't cry, you can do better. You are beautiful." I reassure her. "I'm just so mad, first her cheats on me then he kicks me out." Sasha informs me. "Where are you living now, I mean after RAW?" I ask. "No where. In my car." Sasha sighs, "stay with me, Kevin will love you" I tell her, she laughs that addictive laugh of hers. "If it okay with you." She whispers "of course it's okay with me" I inform her. "How about we watch a movie?" I ask. "Okay!" She cheers up, "I'm putting in a scary movie" I smirk. "Ugh no Seth I hate scary movies!" She complains. "No I'm putting one in" I quickly put in Halloween a classic. After a bit it got to the good stuff. She screams at the scare jump. She grabs my hand and holds it tight. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach. This is new.

Sasha's POV

We are currently watching a scary movie and it's scary as hell. I'm holding on to Seth's hand, I don't know why but I feel safe around him and when I touch him I get this weird feeling in my stomach. The movie finally ended thank god. It's around 3:30 am and I can barely keep my eyes open. "Seth if you want you can stay the night" I ask him. "Okay bossy I'll sleep on the couch" he tells me. "No. Stay in bed with me that movie was scary" I panicked as he got up. "Okay bossy I'll stay with you" he takes off his shirt and I look, I mean I stare at him. His abs are so defined and his shorts and hanging low so I can see his also defined v- line. "Mercy you like what you see?" He chuckles. I realized I'm biting my lower lip, I blush red when he made that comment. He gets under he covers and I follow as well. I curled up in a ball. Hours past and I can't sleep. "Seth?" I whispered, "yeah?" He replies. " I'm scared what if I don't find love ever again, what happens if I do find love and they cheat on me. I just to be loved." I start to tear up. I felt Seth wrap his arms around my waist and pull me against his chest. "Don't say that. You are strong, talented and beautiful. You will find the love of your life. Maybe you have already found him but you just gotta wait and see. But I promise you will be happy. Because you have me, Bayley and many more who love you." Seth tells me. "Thanks for the reassurance" I snuggle into his chest.

They fall fast asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: AHHH this is my first book! I'm so excited to write this book! If you have any suggestions for me or any tips please tell me. I'll try to update weekly but school kinda takes over my life. I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter.

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