So this part is embarrassing for me to write so be grateful. So when I was 5 I was playing with Play Doh and I got curious and put it up my nose and my mom saw me do that so she took me to the hospital to take Play Doh out of my nose and it hurted so much . When I was 6 I was playing this game called Escalde and eels or whatever its called , by myself let's talk about how I was a loner back then . When I was 7 or 8 I got a Wii for Christmas and I was addicted to that thing because it had good games and when I was in the grade I started saying bad words because of this kid I sat next to . And I lost my virgin eyes at that same grade too. (don't ask )
My Life
Non-FictionA story about the times that made me laugh , get embarrassed, and almost scaring the sh¡t out of me. Real times fake names to protect the real names of real people in this story