part 2 ..Shivika airport scene 😘

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"Welcome Shivaay Singh our hotel ." Said A staff of that hotel and gave a small welcoming gift.

Shivaay entered the hotel in style. Waved his hand to his guard to bring the key and for check in the hotel ...
(Shivaay was here for one night stay due to delay in flight)

Shivaay entered the room and asked his guard to go.
Then he changed his clothes and made a video call to Dadi 😘

Dadi was worried for Shivaay as flight delayed. She had not seen her Billu for more than 5 yrs.
When she saw the video call she called whole family out to see. All gather there

Shivaay:"Dadi ! How r u? I know that when u heard that flight has been delayed you must have taken tension..but now u will feel relieved seeing ur Shivaay infront of u😙."

Dadi:"Billu you now me very well."

Priyanka:"Big bro..waiting for you pls come back soon ..❤,we will spend time together.."

Shivaay:"Ya, pinku even I miss u ..I will come tomorrow at sharp 10:00 am..then we will talk😀.

Sonali(mom):" son take care and eat properly, and take your  medicines on time."

Dad:"so at last you have completed your courses and now you will take over our big business dear😀."

Shivaay:" Dad I will not take over I will work with you. I need your guideness..😗."
Shivaay to his family,"all of you take care meet you soon ❤❤."
(Call ended)
Shivaay went out too take the bags in as check in process toke time...

Coincidental 😀Annika's flight was the same and so she also needs to stay for one night..but where? Suddenly see show a pass given by her institute to stay..that was the same hotel where Shivaay was staying.. ❤

Annika entered in her style😚
Hotel staff greeted her with small welcoming gift 🙂

Annika toke it and went towards the reception for booking and to check in..🙂..She no.1223 which was after shivaay s room no.1222 😚😗😘
She was about take her luggage but hotel staff told that they will bring it..🙂 moved towards the lift 😄
At the same time Shivaay was also returning from swimming pool😀(he wore suit) as he went there to talk to the hotel manager.
They both came from opposite sides. As usual Shivaay was  bussy on his phone, so couldn't notice her standing beside him.
(Note guards where on holiday)

Annika saw a person boosts in mobile and ignored... after sometime lift arrived. They both got inside. When Annika was about to press 12 th floor Shivaay also pressed it with her 😍😍
When they touched each other they felt something ❤❤..They got lost in each other's eyes. After sometime when floor arrived they blinked there eyes..and then Shivaay allowed Annika to go first... but by mistake Annika's braclet got entangled with Shivaay s watch ..due to which shivaay also came out with her❤

When Annika moved her hand for key ..Shivaay came in front of her😚..the distance between them was negligible 😄..Annika was shocked. Then she noticed that her braclet was attached..She removed it and was about to say "SORRY.." when Shivaay ignored her and moved on towards his room😑

She felt as if how arrogant the person is..and enters her room l. When Annika went inside Shivaay came out of his room and felt the touch of Annika's hand and blushed 😚😚

Annika woke up and went to get ready as flight was around 6 am..same did Shivaay do he to got up went to take bath.. while bathing❤they both questioned each other's mind Shivaay *who was she? Why did she wore S named braclet? Why did I blushed🙂?*   Annika *who was he? Was he arrogant? *
They both questioned that was he/She Indian 😄
After some time both made that bags ready and where ready to leave the rooms ..Annika came out and locked her room... seeing Annika out Shivaay moved inside the room..😂 but felt to say sorry to her for his behaviour ..but it was too late ..Annika went down for checking out..😑😑
Shivaay to went and check out..
At airport
Annika and Shivaay boths checking process was over but Annika didn't notice Shivaay but shivaay did notice her.. Annika went to wash room and came ..after some time ...but suddenly she slips and was about to fall when shivaay caught hold of her❤❤❤❤..but there was an announcement that those who have not reported to flight no.12*34 to come fast as it is going to India..hearing this both were disturbed and ran towards the plane...
Shivaay and Annika sat opposite to each other ❤ (note not beside each other🙂)
After some time a person came with a small bay and sat beside Annika 😏.Due to which Shivaay and Annika where not able to see each other 🙂😏😏😑😑

After sometime flight toke of.. the person who sat beside Annika started misbehaving with her..Annika felt embarrassed but was not able to take an step as belt was not announced to remove ..the person continued touching her ..She felt to cry a loud at the same time announcement was made and Annika  ran towards wash room..seeing this Shivaay ran behind her ...Annika removed her scarf and felt that dirty touches 😢😭..seeing Annika like this Shivaay toke her scraf   from her hand made her to wear it then...cleaned her tears with his soft hand...😍😍😘😘
PRECAP  Shivaay makes Annika  seat beside him and punishes the person  in SSO style 😶😶😉😉

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