Dropping home

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Manik took his lunch plate, served food he wanted as it buffet system, suppling lunch for all students in speciality of space academy as children from long distance travel by bus or local train come here to study as they all start too early to reach college on time the college management decided to serve food for them. Nyeonika specially keeps an eye on every corner of kitchen and she herself will have same lunch as children so that workers will not compromise on the quality and taste.

He is watching Nandini, she is standing and answering the question while all the seniors are having their lunch Manik got angrier but knowing his limitations he just ignored and took his lunch fast and walked to kitchen, went to chef and asked for a glass of pomegranate juice and two chapatti rolls packed them neatly, he ran to the peon and asked him to delay the lunch bell for five mins first he refused but Manik requested him so he gave up.

Manik when again returned to canteen almost everyone are leaving he checked for Nandini she is drinking water he gave the food and juice parcel to a worker and asked her to handover to Nandini she did so.
"Who gave it?" Nandini asked the worker
"He" the lady turned but found the room empty
"I think he went away"
"Is it for me?" Nandini asked with hope
"Yes he gave it for you"
Nandini with out wasting time took juice glass gulped it, and opened box took chapathi and took a bite. Then she found a small note "until you finish your lunch college can wait"
She again read it and checked whole place and found only workers she shrugged and took chapattis and juice she completed all washed her hands and had water with smile she took the note folded it and kept in her pocket then took a paper from bag and pen she scrambled "thank you for lunch if you would have handed me I would have enjoyed it most. My guess you might be Owner's child" she kept the paper on table took the salt box and placed on paper and took her bag pack and walked away. Bell rang, she smiled

Manik when felt she completely walked away from canteen he came out of the kitchen and straight away walked to the table and took the paper, read it. He smiled but his lower lip took the paper and kept it in wallet and walked to his class.

Manik after his classes Mukthi asked "Manik where were you after lunch?"
"I went to kitchen" blurred out
"What???? You cheater??? Without me you had special food?" Cabir started barbering
Manik held his "God!!!! Torcher I just went for some ........sugar....ya sugar" Manik tried to convince them
"Sugar?" Cabir said making face
"Anyway leave it, did you see that new girl?" Alya asked
"Yahhh she is cute" Mukthi said
"She is interesting" cabir said
"Yah" Druv added
"Cute????" Manik asked Cabir
"Ya I felt she is cute bubbly and even hot" Cabir added
Manik eyes and ears popped out
"What????" All four screamed
"Why are you all shouting? That navya is hot I felt" cabir said
Manik made face listening the name navya "Nandini" he corrected
"Na.... na.... she is cute but navya is hot" cabir said
"One more came?" Manik asked
"Yes I think both are friends" Mukthi said
"Oooo" Manik shrugged
"Wait what you said navya is hot?" All four screamed
Cabir bit his tongue "No I said cute" he corrected this time
"No Cabir you said Nandini is cute and navya is hot" Druv corrected his words
All started teasing him till they reach home. Leaving Manik behind.

Daily Druv will drop Alya, Cabir and Mukthi share bike, Manik will go alone or with his mom. So they all left him and Manik is standing in parking Lott, he took his bike, started and came out of the parking area, when he is crossing the lane he found some one dancing in garden, he pressed break.

His eyes narrowed first, then widened, then again widened now small smile encrypted, he blushed a little, then started chewing his lower lip while watching.

It's Nandini who is enjoying rain, she is dancing in rain with of life living all her feelings and happiness in each step. She is just enjoying.

Manik is enjoying the dance but when he felt she may get sick he parked his bike walked to garden, stood their but she is not in mood to look at her surroundings. Manik took one step near to her and took her arm in his hand she tripped by his sudden action. He held her waist tight to stop her from falling. With fear of falling she closed eyes. He is starring at her with all his feelings, to kiss her

She slowly opened eyes when she confirmed that she is not falling down. Two dark brown orbs are starring at her lips, she observed him. He is totally drowned in her lips. Nandini moved slowly trying to stand straight Manik came out of trance and made her stand.

Nandini when stood still, she is totally drenched in rain water, she closed her arms to cover her body, Manik took his eyes from her and turned his face other side, he removed his jacket and gave it to her, she took it. He walked to his bike she followed.

When Manik is on his bike, and waiting her to sit back of him, she cleared her throat "I have my bike" she said in humble voice.
He pusses his lips then looked at her, her eyes are on ground, he said "sit back I will drop you can take your bike tomorrow"
"But.,," She is stopped by him
"It's not advisable for you to drive now" he pointed her dress. She felt embarrassed and turned. He closed his eyes in self anger cursed himself
"Sit" he said. She did as he said

After a ten mins drive they reached Nandini's house. She got down removed jacket, and gave it back to him. He took it
"Thank you, just have a cup of coffee and go" she offered
"Next time I need to go" he said with little hesitation
"Oooo I disturbed you?" She said with pout
"No not all" he immediately said it
"Then come in for coffee" He palmed his face smiled chews his lower lip smiled "next time bye" he turned the bike and started it
"What's your name?" She asked
He smiled and went away. "When you can haunt me for three months it's my chance atleast for one night I can make you impatient" Manik said to himself while returning back

Manik Malhotra - it's my love storyWhere stories live. Discover now