chapter 1

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This is my first book on wattpad .

i would love it if you guys told me if it was good or bad and the improvements i can make

and ill always consider any of your ideas for what to happen next in the book


Arianna pov


i shouldn't have opened it but being me i open every single one of my birthday presents and always appreciate what i get even if its some old stupid thing.

inside was nothing but little did i know that was a way the love agency does transport.

just as i was about to go to bed i noticed something a shadow in the corner of my room

in the corner of my room a plump looking lady wearing a suit and mumbling something to herself all i got was

"wooooooooooooow these journeys getting interesting day by day"

"hello dear I'm hear from the love agency to tell you that you have been chosen to become a love agent while you-"

what the hell is she talking about


she looked at me with a weird look on her face

"you are Arianna Smith right?"

"yes "

"oh no don't tell me you're one of those stuck up ones who have got chosen randomly"

"excuse me i don't know who you are but you just can appear in peoples rooms and start being well" i tried looking for the right word " rude" was the best i could do .

she looked at me for a few seconds with a confused look on her face and sighed

"sorry dear its just that the last one got fired and was she a stuck up teenager who didn't appreciate anything and caused us a hell lot of trouble let me tell you , i hope youre not anything like her dear" looking at her clock she looked like she was about to die "oh no oh no this is it I'm going to get fired"

she took out another envelope and came up to me

"listen dear i know your really confused know but please read this envelope and ill be back tomorrow morning" she handed me the envelope and patted my hand

"but i don't know you're name "

" lissy dear lissy"

with that she went back to the corner of my room and well disappeared.

okay its official I'm going crazy

inside the envelope was a letter with my name on it

Dear Arianna smith

You have been chosen to be new love agent in the love agency

We know that right know you will probably be confused but please be patient with us

Below are a list of rules and expectations we will enquire from you while you are at the love agency

what the hell is this

below is some long list like school rules.

being the lazy person i am i skipped to the end

we hope you understand the list above

a member of our staff will greet you in the morning and explain more about this

sweet dreams

love Laura

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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