chapter 7(part 2)

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No one POV

After they done eating they,they gather at the living room chatting and laughing could be heard trough out the mansion.

"Tsuna here"

Mammon said while handing tsuna a book,tsuna look at it and point at himself.

"For me?"

He ask,mammon nod,tsuna eye shine brightly and he smile while taking the gift from mammon.

"Thanks mammon-nee!"

Tsuna exclaim and hug mammon,mammon smile under her hood while the other jaw drop especially mammon mate, his first time seeing mammon give something to a person.Lal smirk because she already know about cause mammon ask her what is a suitable thing for tsuna as a gift,so she tell mammon to get him a book cause tsuna love reading a book.

"Hey kid are you the one who cook for lunch?"

Colonel ask,tsuna look at him and then down.

"Y-yes i-im"

He say stuttering,feeling a little scare that his food might be bad.colonel grin.

"That the best food I ever taste!!,hey how about you be the cook at the c--"

Before colonel can finish Lal already smack his head and pull his ear.

"They don't know about you and brother being the prince so keep quite about it"

Lal whisper yell at him and release colonel ear.the other who witness this stare at the couple.colonel rub his ear and smile sheepishly.

"Ahahaha,there nothing to see here"

Colonel said while rubbing his red ear.the other nod and continue chatting among each other.colonel stand up from his sit and pull the both of his brother and whisper the same thing that Lal said to him on their ear,they both nod understanding.


It almost night but they still chatting among themselves at the living room while Sakura try to form a conversation between her and reborn,reborn ignore everything she say as he focus his gaze toward the laughing brunette at the other group.Sakura then notice that reborn didn't pay any attention to her so she follow his gaze and see that reborn is staring at tsuna.she grumble and then grab reborn arm,she drag reborn toward the garden.

"What are you doing?"

Reborn ask,feeling irritated that he can no longer see the brunette. She smile.

"Well I want to talk to you but you always look at my lil brother and don't focus on what I'm saying"

She said,reborn raise his eyebrow.

"Since when are you talking to me?"

He ask,she scowl.

"Since the start!!,I try making a conversation between us!,but no you didn't even notice me beside you all of this time!"

She shout feeling jealous of his little brother that have his attention.reborn narrow his eye.

"I'm sorry but I have no interest in you"

Reborn said and walk away leaving Sakura behind.Sakura stare at reborn treating figure as her eye start to water.a drop of tears fall and she wipe it.she glare at her little brother figure who inside the house laughing with the other.

"I make you mine reborn and no one gonna stop me not even him"

She mumble under her breath as she has a wicked smile plastered on her face.

The time has come when they all need to part,they all gather at the front gate saying good bye to each other.Giotto let them use the carriage since they come by walking.Lal,colonel,fon and mammon already enter the carriage and having a conversation with Giotto while they inside except reborn.reborn stare at the brunette before he pull him from the other.the brunette blush.

"What your name?"

Reborn ask,the brunette look up and his face is even more red then before.


He said stutter,reborn chuckle seeing how cute the brunette act in front of him.

"Wh-what's y-yours?"

Tsuna ask stuttering,reborn look at tsuna flush face and smirk.


He said,tsuna smile.

"Hurry up reborn kora!!"

Colonel shout from the carriage reborn 'tsk' and look at the brunette. He take the brunette hand and kiss the back of his hand,making tsuna as red as a tomato.

"We shall meet again,tsuna"

He said and smirk.tsuna smile and nod.reborn the release tsuna hand and walk toward the carriage and enter it.the carriage drove off,tsuna and Giotto wave at them.
.sorry if there a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

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