7000 Miles [Hyunsung]

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Oof, this is a long one! I started this about two months ago bc Hyunjin's selfies with his cute I  ❤  NY shirt inspired me all of a sudden! This is basically just soft boys being in love. I needed to write Hyunsung, bc they make me soft and let's face it, the world needs more Hyunsung! 

I'd like to apologize for typos in advance. 

I hope you guys like it! 

PUBLISHED: 09/24/2018 
EDIT: 09/11/2020

"It's not the distance that's the enemy, but the endless time I have to wait until I hold you in my arms." 

– Besski Levius

"Channie, I'm nervous. What if it's not like we hoped?"

Han Jisung was currently panicking at Incheon International Airport where he was about to board a plane to New York City. He had been saving up for his one-month-stay there since his sophomore year in high school and now that it was finally here, he was beyond nervous.

"You couldn't shut up about this guy ever since you two started talking. You're finally going to meet him after three years. It's not like you don't know him so what are you afraid of?" Jisung's friend Bang Chan questioned, watching the younger pace around frantically.

"I'm scared that we won't get along in person. I'm scared that once I come back the magic will be gone...maybe going to visit him is a mistake...what if I'm not what he imagined..." the younger panicked. Chan stood in his way to stop him from pacing and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You will be just fine, Jisung. You're ready for this! You've wanted this for so long and now it's finally happening. It's only natural that you're nervous, but once you're on that plane things are only going to get better!" Jisung nodded, grateful for his friend's encouraging words. He knew that Chan was right. He had been waiting for this and it wasn't like he was going to meet a complete stranger.

"Now go, before you miss your flight!" Chan warned him, a fond smile spreading on his lips, as he pulled the younger in for a hug. "Have fun, okay? We'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. You and Minho better be dating by the time I get back!" Jisung teased him, only barely dodging the swing he got in return. He laughed and waved at Chan one last time before heading to his gate on the way to meet his boyfriend of almost three years for the very first time.

"Hwang Hyunjin, here I come."


Jisung had just turned 15 years old when he talked to Hyunjin for the very first time. It was a boring Saturday afternoon in a way too hot September. Jisung was in his room, his window wide open and a glass of ice tea standing next to him on the bedside table, as he was going through Twitter.

He knew he should study right now, since his sophomore year in high school had just begun, but he couldn't get his ass up and do it.

"Jisung, sweetie, is your homework done?" his mother called from downstairs.

"On it, mom!" he shouted back.

He was just about to close Twitter and get to it before he'd get his ass kicked when he stumbled across a picture of Manhattan Bridge. He didn't know why it intrigued him so much as he'd seen thousands of pictures taken at that exact spot, but something about the way '@jinnie_hwang' had captured it was... different.

7000 Miles [Hyunsung]Where stories live. Discover now