FIVE| learning how to fly

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SHE RAN HER FINGERS THROUGH HER BLONDE hair, pulling at the roots out of frustration. She had just taken her charms test and was unhappy with the outcome.

Although Mel was excited for this afternoon, Harry was going to teach her how to play quidditch and she was eager to play. She actually wanted to learn and it was also helpful her "friendship mission" with Harry. She grabbed her broomstick she took from her brother and went to the field where Harry said to meet at.

Mel was nervous as she walked through the corridors she had tightened her grip around the broom. When she exited the school she immediately shivered, the air was crisp and the sun was covered by some dark clouds.

She made her way to the quidditch field. Mel squinted her eyes and saw a boy who looked like Potter, same stature and body type. She waved and the boy waved back.

"Potter! Hey, how are you?" Mel beamed at the brunette.

"I'm good Mel, how are you?"

"Nervous, but also excited" She wasn't lying when she said that.

"It's not that hard, you'll catch on pretty quickly." Mel smiled and potter ducked his head, obviously nervous around the stunning girl.

It took a couple tries for Mel to figure out how to ride the broom because she hadn't been near a broom since her first year at hogwarts. She remembered that year vividly, the constant back and forth between her and this girl who had transferred awhile ago. Her name was Jaylee and she loved to torment Mel.

At first Jaylee was always bickering with Elena but after a couple of weeks she decided Mel was the better target. Elena tried to stand up for her best friend, it never worked. One day when Mel was sitting in the commons, her book in her lap as she read the textbooks 13th chapter.

Jaylee sat down next to her and flipped the book closed. She had a sickly sweet smile and started to tease the blonde and poked fun at her chubby face and called out her size. It was then when Harry Potter stood up for her, that was her memory of the boy that lived.

Mel looked at Harry and had a giant smile on her face. "Harry, I think I'm actually kinda good!" Mel said, oozing with too much confidence.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really, I'm so good I should try out for the team." Melissa laughed, obviously sarcastic about the whole thing.

"You really should, how about you come here and I'll teach you the rules"

After three hours of potter teaching the Arthur girl they finally stopped. Mel and Harry sneaked into the kitchen and stole some sandwiches. They went into a random corridor and sat down eating the delicious food.

"How's your year been so far?" Melissa asked.

"Well, it's been pretty good I guess, I'm actually doing good in all my classes"

"That's great Harry," Mel said with a genuine smile, "academic success is one of the most rewarding things"

"What do you want to be when you leave hogwarts" Harry questioned.

"I want to work at St. Mungos, helping people is what I want to do" Mel knew her passion and wanted to succeed in it.

"Wow, I have no idea what I want to do" Mel smiled at Harry's response.

"You are busy saving the wizarding world"

The two teenagers sat in the hallway and gossiped. They talked about their annoying teachers, the rumors that floated around the school and complained about the homework that piled up. For that moment the wizard and the witch were just that, nothing .


Mel walked into the Slytherin common room with a sad look painted on her pretty face. She walked up the stairs to her room and fell on the bed with a exasperated sigh. She felt bad for what she was doing. Its not her fault, her dad was forcing her but she was the one tricking Harry.

She thought about how they could have been actually good friends, if it wasn't all a ruse. Harry Potter is a good guy with good intentions as far as Melissa could see. He wasn't mean to her and was down right honest with the Slytherin girl and that meant something to her.

"Mel" she felt a tap on her arm and looked up to see Elena with her eyebrows up. "dreaming about potter after your little date."

"I am definitely not dreaming about him, and it wasn't a date"

"If you say so, anyways Draco is downstairs asking for you" Mel had a contorted to a confused face. 

"What does that snake want?" 

"I don't know why don't you ask him?" Mel groaned and pushed her pillow onto her face, "you are so dramatic" Elena commented.

"No I'm not" Mel grudgingly got up and made her way downstairs. Draco sat on one of the couches, Crabbe and Goyle sitting next to him, Mel didn't know the difference between them. She felt bad for them, well more so their families. She didn't know much but their parents tried to get a seat at Voldemort's table, they had yet to accomplish that.

"Elena said you wanted me?" Mel folded her arms in front of him.

"Yeah, come here." He got up and walked towards the hall. Mel followed him slowly, she was apprehensive about it.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Mel crossed her arms, leaning against the brick wall. "because i thought you said I couldn't help with the thing."

"Yeah well, I need your help"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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