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"Got your back," Steve tells me as I fight off several agents, spearing them with icicles. I see the shield out of the corner of my eye, taking down some agents who were approaching me.

"Thanks, Cap," I grunt, spinning around to freeze some of the agents behind me.

"Top floor clear," Maria says.

"Second floor clear," Clint announces and we hear him grunt. "Nowit's clear," he corrects and I huff a laugh, breathless.

"I should really start going to those Yoga sessions with you, Lil," I say and I hear laughs from both of the teams.

"You're more than welcome to come along, Y/N/N," Lillian says.

"I'll keep it in mind," I grunt just as Steve's shield flies out in front of me and tackles the next row of soldiers to the ground.

"We desperately need back up here!" Steve says.

"On it," comes Bucky's voice and even in the situation I feel my heart fluttering slightly and I can sense the wide smile already dawning on my face at just the sound of my boyfriends name.

My boyfriend. That sounded good.

We see him sprinting up from the basement, emerging at the opposite side of the hallway from me. He smiles when he sees me, shooting one of the agents attacking me. Natasha and Clint also arrive down the stairs from the second floor.

"You're right. You did need back up," Natasha comments as an arrow whizzes past my ear and buries itself in an agent.

Between the four of us, we managed to clear the first floor from any hostiles. I tried to catch my breath as Bucky came over, putting an arm around my waist, helping me upright.

"You okay, doll?" He asks and I nod, making him smile and he presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"Come on, we gotta go help out the others," I murmur quietly, grabbing his hand and running with him towards the staircase.

"Top floor, now," Leo's panicked voice says and my eyes widen, quickening my pace and sprinting up the stairs to the roof of the building, Bucky hot on my heels.

The super soldier begins to shoot at the people who are surrounding Leo and Tony is covering them from the sky. I rush forwards, freezing people who try to approach me and reach Leo. He's kneeling on the ground, Lillian's head in his lap. Blood is pooled around them and tears are flowing quickly and freely down Leo's cheeks as he holds his girlfriend tight to him.

"Update on the memory stick," I demand, "we need to leave,"

"We've almost got it," Evan assures me.

"What's going on up there?" Maria questions.

"Lily... Lily's been taken out. We need to get her to the ship," I respond, trying to get my emotions under control. I couldn't loose my best friend, not again. "Cap behind you!" I call out and Steve turns around just in time to take out the agent aiming a gun at him.

"Leo, get Lily to the ship," Maria says.

"I'll help," I immediately offer.

"We haven't completed the mission. We need you to help, Y/N," Steve argues, punching one of the agents.

"You're not the captain of this team, Cap," Maria states and I can hear the frown in her voice.

"But he's right. You can't abandon the mission now," Tony says.

"You guys really aren't good at not being in charge, huh?" I say, heaving Lily to her feet with the help of Leo.

"People are going to die, Y/N! It happens! We have to complete the mission, it's for the greater good!" Tony explodes and my hand tightens into a fist.

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