In View of the Sparrow

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My habit as of every morning is too look out my big picture window.  There, I see a busy birdhouse that has two levels for birds to build a home [for their new little ones] with a mate who's close by assessing the area from danger (from any other) prey invading their privacy. At times during the mating season I could see big black birds looking for an easy prey, not intimidated by the young couple trying to get to their eggs nestled inside the tiny holes of wood structure.

I found myself trying to scoot the big black birds away, whom were trying to invade the tiny birds and their work.  I would do anything to distract them for they (the black birds) were so determine to destroy this little love nest that had been built right in front of my window.  This could be a serene spot to watch the little critters and yet disturbing to see nature @ work.  The cares of the world would dim while watching these little speckled birds that truly aren't thought of as beautiful creatures to such extreme detail birdwatches.  With their careless flitter of activity, inside their little world, they bare the burden of LIFE!  

In our life span, our question could be like the little shepherd boy David when he asked His God....."O Lord, how long?" You have faced the wall so many times you suddenly become like Job saying, "This THING that I have feared the most, has come upon me!!!" 

When you trust God and yet another trial comes your way; while we keep waiting for God to open doors (even windows) and NONE seem to occur;  now is not the time to become a doubter! Yes.....there are days we are in a dark pit where the brethren betray you and you've been sold to a strange land.  When you can look back & know your heritage, your inheritance, was taken from you for whatever reason, it seems hopeless to retrieve it back.  In all the years of investing into the kingdom, up^ shows havoc, division, deception, lies even judgement.

Knowing God's promise of restitution and forgiving those who did "ought" is major faith.  Praying blessings on your enemies and seeing results of them being blessed is confirmation that God is listening and waiting for His Time to reveal and restore, you!  It's that waiting period of God's time span & watching that sparrow which indicates ALL things are still under HIS control. The Holy Spirit is awesome in gently letting you know that He certainly cares for that little sparrow. Scriptures state it's price for the sparrow on the open market is equivalent for two for just a penny. (It's virtually has no worth frankly.)

Why would God create anything as worthless as a sparrow?  MATTHEW 12:7 Isn't it that we are more value than many sparrow? If God watches over the sparrow, God not only knows infinitely & intimately meets the needs of His creation, He has the concerns and compassion for every creature beyond compare. And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10:27-31). The point our Lord was making is this: if God is concerned about the tiny sparrow and notes its fate, how much greater must His concern be for man, who is immeasurably greater in value than the sparrow!

It is interesting that Jesus chose the most common of all birds to teach a profound truth: in God's eyes, no one is insignificant!  God not only provides food for "the birds of the air," but He also "clothes the grass of the field" (Matt. 6:25-34). The "lilies of the field" were the scarlet poppies -- they bloomed for only one day on the hillsides of Israel, and yet in their brief life they were clothed with a beauty which surpassed "Solomon in all his glory," and when they died they were "thrown into the oven.  In the days of our Lord ovens consisted of a clay box set on bricks over a fire. When it was desired to rapidly raise the temperature of it, some handfuls of dried grasses and wild flowers were thrown inside the oven and set alight. The flowers had but one day of life; and then they were set alight to help a woman to heat an oven when she was baking in a hurry; and yet God clothes them with a beauty which is beyond man's power to imitate. If God gives such beauty to a short-lived flower, how much more will he care for man? Surely, the generosity, which is lavished upon a flower for one day, will not be forgetful of man, the crown of His creation.

HE hath made all THINGS BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME. Ecclesiastes 3:11

I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked; for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.

In His Service,


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