There is a shinigami in squad 10, Third seat. Her name is Hakuei senju. She is extremely fast and wields a strong zanpakuto. When the captain of squad ten falls for her, they end up dating. But they soon break up due to captain hitsugaya and lieuten...
A hell butterfly flew to me in the morning just as I finished getting ready and eating my breakfast. What happened yesterday was one f the worst days so far. I vowed from now on, I will only focus on protecting the souls society and didn't have time for a love life. When the butterfly flew into my pointed finger it announced the message: "third seat Hakuei senju, your presence is needed at a meeting with head captain in five minuets". It repeated the message once more then flew off. I sighed. I guess I should head off now. But if the lieutenants and captains are there then it will sure as hell be awkward. I flash stepped all the way there. Once I was at the big wooden doors I knocked. "Come in", said a old gruff but full of authority voice said. I walked in a bowed on one knee while my hand was touching the ground and the other was resting on my other knee. "Head captain, you called?" My voice cold and monotoned. "Yes, we have a matter to discuss". Head captain said. I could feel all the eyes in me but I had a emotionless face while listening intently. Ever since that vow I made, it's been easier to be cold and emotionless. The way I should be if I don't want to be strong. "The first matter is, Hisagi will now be the new captain of squad 3!" He announced. Everybody was in shock. Even me! "And Hakuei senju, you will no longer be third seat of squad ten!" The head captain said clearly. I was confused but listened in anyways for further detail. "You have great speed and stealth, therefore, I decided to give you a new rank. From now on, you will be the lieutenant of squad nine and head of lieutenants. The head lieutenant!" Finally captain soifon spoke "head captain sir, does she need to be tested beofore giving such rank?" She asked. "No, she is strong enough, smart enough, and definitely fast enough. I had taught her myself actually." everybody was in total shock. "but head captain, with her powers, she could become a captain!" Captain soifon said. "NO!" Momo shrieked. "I will not allow that slut to replace captain aizen!" She screamed. I raised an eyebrow. Isn't she the slut here? She was getting in my nerves. "QUIET! Actually senju requested not to be captain." Momo just shook with fear and quickly squeaked out "I-i a-am v-v-ver-very s-sorry sir" she almost whispered. I have a calm face but I was anything but on the inside. I finally calmed down and head captain went on. "We could have a small match between her and the rest of the lieutenants if wished" he stated. The others nodded. "As you wish, when is the match sir?" "Hm, I shall call everybody to the training grounds now. We will also watch hisagi's match with another captain" head captain stated. I nodded. "Alright, dismissed! we will meet again in the squad one training barracks." He said then we slowly started to walk out. During the meeting I felt captain Katsuo staring at me the whole time making me blush. He's the new captain for squad nine with blonde spiky hair and two side bangs. The top part of his hair on top of his forehead was spiked back a little, showing his forehead and he has dull, dark green eyes.
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^he looks like that
Toshiro p.o.v She was leaving my squad. Will I see her again since she will be busy being the head lieutenant? To be honest she looked kind of relieved that she wasn't on my squad anymore.
Momo p.o.v Yay! I am so lucky that bitch isn't on my shiro's squad amymore. I bet she will be forgotten over time. I looked over at shiro. He was looking disappointed. I smirked. I had an evil idea. Just as Hakuei and captain Katsuo was about to past shiro, I ran up to him and said seductively said to him, "hey, you look a bit down. I'll give you a little treat later on, ok?" Shiro took note and whispered huskily back "okay". He smirked. Getting the idea right away. We looked over at Hakuei.
Hakuei p.o.v Ha! Are they really trying to make me jealous? They are trying so hard, it's obvious to everyone who heard it, which was apparently everybody. They all turned their heads to me. Some looked ready to restrain me if I decided to snap and some looked at me with amusement to see what I would do next. Captain katsuo were glaring daggers at them while I simply ignored them and didn't even acknowledge were even there. I smirked. You should've seen the face hinamori and hitsugaya had. It was priceless. Had they really expected jealousy to work on me? Really? I thought. Well it's not gonna work. I will not weep over someone who doesn't love me isn't dedicated. It's simple really. If they didn't love me then why should I love them? It's a total waste of my time I'd rather much spent communicating with my zanpakuto or train. I had to admit though that I was sad and angry and I felt betrayed. But I learned from my mistake. That's why I made that vow that I promised to never break. As I was about to pass him I stopped. "Enjoy your treat~ Lieutenant hinamori barely has any junk to make even a small dent in our extra small" I giggled. "If you know what I mean" I said with a menacing smirk and walked away with captain katsuo in front of me. I could hear the roaring of laughter from everybody in the room, even a small chuckle from head captain. "Go pack your bags and meet me at the sqaud nine barracks in 20 minuets" Captain Katsuo said. "hai" I replied. And I quickly left to pack my bags, leaving everybody laughing about what just happened.