prologue -1

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Danganronpa 54:‘Hope’ Stars shinning

ready for the show?





A girl woke up from her sleep...

“where am i....”she asked,“uh anyone?”

No response.

“am i in a city?”she looked at the sky and some flying cars passed by,“what the hell?High buildings everywhere but no any living creatures!”

After her live performence,she fell asleep.And now she was here.“maybe some crazy fan kidnapped me,”she sighed and stoody up.

“Ouchhh!”she heard a voice but she couldnt see anyone around her.



She just realised she was stepping on a blonde haired boy.

“ops sorry!”she stepped back.

“nvm,and where are we?”the boy asked as he stood up.

“i dont really know...”

“here seem uh high t-teachahlogy..”

“Technology!haha!”she laughed,“u r not really good at english!whats ur name btw?”

“len kagamine,u can call me len!”

“why?i just meet you!”

“nah i hv a if u call me kagamine,we will mess up tho,”

“oh i see....kagamine len..”she said.


She had heard that before...and a feeling....but why cant she remember???

“kagamine kagamine kagamine,”she repeated the name hope that she could remember something.

“uh hello?”

“woahhh im here!”

“so are you gonna tell me ur name too?”

“uh sorry.My name is Hatsune Miku!My fans call me leek queen...but pls dont call me that!”

“woah u hv fans?!”He seemed so excited at the word ‘fans’.

“uh yea?”

“you’re a star?!me too!”

“uh o really?”

“u didnt seem as excited as me...boring...”len muttered.

“should we start explore this weird place?”

“i’ll follow you queen!”

“jeez fine...”she sighed once more and headed to the west.

Nothing special.just some street and shops that no ppl were there.

They reached to a big building.

It seemed like a mall.Miku and Len pushed the door and went inside.

They heard a scream as they got in.Thr voice was from third floor and they ran to third floor hoping nothing scary happened.

All they see were two boys.Shouting at each other.

“Huh piko?Reminds me boku no pico!Lmao!”

“Mind your language fuckass and dont step on my tail again.”

“Is fukase u dumbass!”

“i dont really care it is fukase or fuckass but pls stay away from me.”

Miku got annoyed cut in the conversation,“who the hell scream?!”

The boy with red haired pointed at the white haired boy,“piko,”

“It was because he stepped on my tail and it hurts.”

“A tail?Human has tail?”miku thought.

“uh stop fighting about this small thing..”len finally spoke.

“pardon me,who are you two?”white haired boy asked.

“i am hatsune and he is len,”she replied.

“understood.I am Utatane Piko,”

“And i am fukase!!!”

“are you same with us and being brought here without knowing why?”miku asked

“yea!!i wondered who is the fucker that locked us up?!”

“locked?”len questioned.

“yea?!u cant see any ppl right!thats is lock!”

“nonsense.”piko said,“maybe just a prank show or whatever,”

“hope so,”miku looked at the window of the mall.Hoping for someone came here and say SPRIL FOOLS but it is september.

“im leaving,”piko said and walked to the stairs.

“ehhh but we just met!”fukase said in a sad tune.

“im gonna find a exit of this place,”

“should we leave too?”miku looked at len

“yea i guess,”

They leave and leaving fukase alone.

“i just trying to make more friends.but the result was same as always....”he sighed.

They reached the street once again.but different is,there was a girl standing there looking at the shop.

“good morning,”Miku greeted

“stay back,”

“uh what?”

“i said stay back.”she replied in a cold voice and her eyes didnt even look at miku.

“wow thats rude!”len complained.

She didnt response.

“at least let us know what is ur name?”

The girl pointed at a flower.

“uh flower i see....nice to meet you flower!”

Flower stares at miku and said,“interesting.”she leave the street and disappeared in miku’s sight.

“What a rude person!”len was really angry of flower’s behavior.

“she seems to be a really clever person tho,”

“eh how u know?”

“my brain told me,”

“ehhh what a weird brain.”

“what?!Is not that weird or anything!”miku blushed and shouted.

“jeez come down.thats a joke!”

“how can u be so carefree and calm in this situation?!”

“maybe my personality helps?idk.”


“Hey no im not!”

They both laughed.but miku still hv a bad feeling about what was coming next

to be continue

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