27. She remembered his name

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You felt his grief, his longing for your old self. But you didn't know who he was talking about. You just met this guy and he already says that he loves you with all his heart. Namjoon didn't take you away from him. Namjoon loves you, he has protect you your life. You know that.

"I-I... I have to go. I have to go back to Namjoon, please bring me back. I'm sorry but I don't know you all and I can't stay with you... he will miss me. "You looked at the boy on the bed right in his brown eyes when you said the following. "I love Namjoon."

Jimin's heart broke, you saw that the words you uttered hurt him even more than you called Namjoon your boyfriend. He got up and you could see the tears in his eyes as he pushed you aside and walked out of the room. Jin ran after the boy as he called his name.

You looked at him and felt the lump in your throat when you wanted to say something but kept your mouth shut. You leaned against the wall and felt someone standing beside you. "Please stay with us for just one week... after that, if you still don't remember us, we will bring you back to Namjoon." He sighed disappointed. "He really loves you." The boy with brown hair said with his sweet face and you noticed that he loved you too, but in a brother and sister way. You felt the strong bond between you when he took your hand. You let him hold your hand and you felt the little squeezes he gave you.

You looked at the boy and frowned at his statement about the love that Jimin felt for you that you didn't gave him back. "How do I know that he loves me? I have never seen him. "

The boy swallowed hard and pulled you inside again. He placed you on the bed next to the boy with light blue eyes. His hand slid across the bed to your thigh and then slid to your hand on it.

You recognized the way he touched you carefully. You felt that he had no bad intentions with you. Also because he had to search your hand because he was blind.

The way Namjoon always touched you was hungry and as if you always had to give him something. Of course he had his sweet touches, but they were usually when he was uncertain about the love you had for him.

"I'm going to tell you a lot of shocked things." The boy said, sighing. "Things you didn't know because you couldn't know what Namjoon did to a lot of people and you." The blind guy's hand tightened his grip on your hand. "Please understand us, how we feel, you can't remember us... because Namjoon took away your good memories..."


After the boy had finished his story, you shook from all the new information. Tears appeared in your eyes and rolled over your cheeks one by one. The thoughts alone, about what the boy told you. Namjoon couldn't possibly have done that. He can be rough... but almost kill you and have blinded the boy next to you... he isn't like that.

You shook your head. "No, Namjoon isn't the man you described in your story. You lie." You got up from the bed and pulled your hand out of the hand of the blind boy. The tears rolled even faster over your cheeks.


"No, shut up!" You yelled and the boy was startled by your words. You walked behind the door. "You're lying! Namjoon could never have done that! He's sweet and has taken care of me all my life!" You could no longer look at the boys.

The boy stood up and walked slowly towards you with his hand sticking out at you. "I'm not lying, I have proof..."

You shook your head again and pushed his hand away. "I don't want to see your proof! It's all fake! I love him and he loves me!"

Then the blind boy spoke. "I'm so sorry... but it's fake love."

You were crying hard. Your life couldn't be a lie. "I love him!" The words you had spoken so often felt as if there was no value. Without real love. You digged in your memory how your relationship begon but it was black, no memories of how he had asked you in a romantic way. No feelings you had for him before you were his. The feeling like you had a crush and secretly always liked him. The words that Jimin had pronounced that you were his slave. Namjoon has always treated you like a slave. Getting things for him, doing everything he wanted, and as a good kitten you did what he asked of you, how bad or disrespectful it was.

You fell to the ground on your knees and cried in your hands. Your hands were trembling as you felt that your body was being pressed against someone else's. His warmth embraced you and you felt safe. You recognized his touch and held his arm. He stroked your head and let you cry against his chest. Still your hands on your face, your make up smeared on your white dress.

The gift from Namjoon, the jewelery, everything. Everything became so clear, even how insecure he was about you still loving him. He knew you would run away if you found out what was done. It was all a lie. You were trapped in a golden cage. But you didn't even noticed that there was something from about the cage, it wasn't real gold. Namjoon just made it look like it was.

"It's going to be okay, you're save now with us. We all love you." The boy whispered the boy that was still holding you and you felt someone else put his hand on your neck and pressed his head against your arm.

"We care about you Luna, we don't want you to leave us again. You're part of our crew, we need you." The blind boy whispered next to you. It felt like home with their embrace.

"Thank you Jungkook."

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