Chapter 1

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"Veda!" I hear my mum scold at me. I ignore it hoping she will forget about today.

"Veda wake up now or you won't make it on time!" This time I listen to her without replying. I take a massive stretch when she decides to shout again.

"Veda wake up now"

"Alright mum for god sake's I am getting up" I grab my phone next to me and unlock it and I almost instantly go onto twitter. I read on the screen 8 notifications and 4 messages. Before taking another stretch I put my phone down and get out of my bed and look around my now empty room.

I take the clothes off my dark wooden chair that i put their last night and start getting changed taking of my vest top of first replacing it with my bra and black long sleeved top and remove my sweats and underwear replacing them with a fresh pair of nickers and my black jeans.

I walk downstairs's with each step my feet getting colder as the hard laminat tiles touch my small feet.

"Are you awake now" My mum asks me.

"Well obviously I am when my eyes are awake and I am talking to you" I just role my eyes at her as I walk towards to the cupboard to get a cereal bar for my breakfast. I swiftly turn around and walk back upstairs whilst eating.

My phone keeps pinging and going off I just ignore it and start doing my make up. Can't be bothered to put foundation on so I go straight to eye liner and I put a thick layer of the wax around my eyes and move onto mascara and put multiple layers of mascara on before I put the two products away. I grab my toothbrush and put toothpaste on and start brushing. Thoughts running through my mind of what will happen today and who i will be sharing my room with. As curiosity fills my mind I finnish up in the bathroom and put socks and my black doc martins on. Before standing up I shove my hair in a high pony without brushing it because I can't be bothered.

"I have put all the boxes in the car you just need whatever it in your room" My mum tells me. I just smile and grab the last of the things in my room; My phone and headphones.

I run down the stairs for the last time to join my mum.

"You ready?" she asks me I just nodd at her. smiling back she opens the door and we walk outside to get into the car.

I take one last look at the house. Thank god I wont be coming back for a while.

Getting into the red car I take a last glance of the surounding and my mum gets into the car and starts to drive off. I won't be coming back to oldham for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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