the beggining

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a/n i'm sorry if this is trash i'm just a beginner writer i normally do poetry 

My names bailie and my stories a pretty simple one but it has lots of interesting parts so I'm going to tell you it

I'll start off from when I was 14 and I met Jacob. My best friends Jayden and Adelyn were over at my house on a Friday night. My mum had taken Nathen out to his friends and then she said she'd be going to someone's house, so we had the house to ourselves. Like usual we were all sprawled out on my bed and we were watching our traditional movie 'harry potter'. Most Fridays we all met at someone's house (each taking turns) and we either watched movies or we just chilled. We have this weird tradition where every time were at my house we must watch one of the harry potter movies going in order. Tonight we were up to 'prisoner of Azkaban' my favourite, I was watching the movie and the others were too but they were also messing around with a weird app called 'DM'. 'DM' was and app where you could met new people for many reasons it was weird because you had to put in your interests then it just gave you a bunch of people's profiles that had roughly the same interests and you could chose who to text. We were up to the part of the movie when they sneak into the tree when Jayden turns it off.

"Jayden what the fuck it was just getting interesting"

"Yeah but Adelyn and I have something better" he respond without even looking at me

"What could possibly be better than harry potter?" I asked looking at him like he was stupid he didn't reply straight away so Adelyn chipped in

"well you know the app "DM"" I nodded "we kind of made you an account and we found this really cool guy" she looked at me seeing my reaction, she could normally read my expressions pretty well but I was just staring at her waiting for her to continue. "Anyway I found a little bit about him and I think you two could hit it off"

"Adelyn what no I don't want to date an online boy I don't even know oh my god"

"I didn't mean you guys should date straight away I meant you guys could become friends" she looked at me waiting again for a response I gave her none "ugh he likes harry potter, he's cute and he's super nice and athletic"

"And how do you know all those things about him?" I asked trying not to show them that I was slightly intrigued about this mystery boy.

"Well... We've kind of been messaging him since the start of the movie" said Jayden as he hands me my phone. I scroll through the messages not really reading them but looking over them, as I scroll I see a few messages that catch my eye,

Jacob- so how old are you?

Bailie- um...

Jacob- I'll go first then

Jacob- I'm 15

Bailie- um...I'm 14

Jacob- cute

Bailie- what

Jacob- we're basically the same age

"Um guys what the fuck why did you tell him my age" I say as I continue scrolling, they didn't tell him anything else about me that's personal, but I still get a little worried.

"Well he didn't seem like a bad person and he told us" Adelyn says like there's nothing wrong

"Omg Adelyn really you don't know who he is he could be lying about his age" I say but I was secretly hoping he really was fifteen. Jacob seems like a nice person and I really hope he is but something about all this just gives me a weird feeling, a feeling that I shouldn't trust him but then I don't really have anything to worry about. If I start feeling uncomfortable or if he starts asking things that make me uncomfortable I'll just tell him to leave me alone and I'll never talk to him again.

About five hours later

I'm lying in bed next to Adelyn, Jayden's at the end of the bed they're both asleep but for some reason I can't sleep so I decide to go on my phone after about five minutes a notification pops up

Jacob- hey are you up?

I decide to ignore it and continue reading wattpad, I was reading a really good story about a girl and another girl who are best friends and fall in love with each other but are forced to hide it.

Jacob- hello?

This time I decide to reply

Bailie- yh what's up?

Jacob- oh hey hru

Bailie- good and you?

Jacob- great

Bailie- ok

Jacob- ok

I feel Adelyn stirring next to me so I put my phone down and try to sleep, I successfully fall asleep with the feeling of uncertainty of what this new relationship with Jacob will hold.

In the morning

I wake up to a scream, it's Adelyn and Jayden messing around they're having a pillow fight and Jayden just hit Adelyn in the head and ruined her hair so she's now beating him up.

"You ruined my fucking hair you badass motherfucker" Adelyn shouts laughing

"Adelyn I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Jayden tried to scream in a serious tone but ends up laughing, I sit up and both of them look at me then they look each other and grab a pillow and start hitting me on the head and on my stomach. I just sit there and let them because I'm too fucking tired. After about a minute they stop and we all just sit there, soon enough Adelyn says she's hungry and Jayden agrees so we head down to the kitchen only to find my little brother Nathen pouring chocolate milk in his fruit loops. I rush over to him and grab the rest of the chocolate milk off him and tell him to go to the couch and I'll be over with his appropriate breakfast in a minute. He leaves and Adelyn is soon to ask me about Jacob and what I think, I don't say anything because if they knew I texted him they would ask a million questions. 

a/n word count - 1035

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