🌸 chapter five 🌸

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Author's P.o.v

Jimin now has a girlfriend that he claims he "loves" of course you were confused and heart Broken but what really broke you is what he said when he told you the News


"She is so beautiful and different,and I thought you were different *chuckle* you know I used to like you but I don't now what I saw in you "-jimin

(End of flashback)

You were absolutely Broken because you actually....loved him but he said all these hurtful word's

"I guess he didn't like me as I thought before "-y/n

You sighed out as you had you're laptop out trying to write something but all is thrown away after what happened recently

"Ughhh I can't do this gosh I'll just go take a walk "-y/n

*5 minutes later *

You were now just walking down the street , the street is quite and empty as it's 1:50 am so no one would be out by now but you had to clear you're mind but as you were walking you got interrupted by the all too familiar buzz sound of you're phone telling you that you have a new notification

New article

Park jimin was seen with his  girlfriend and he claimed in his previous interview that he was with her for years already but kept it a secret because his girlfriend that is so called joy was uncomfortable with That information and the couple claim that they will get engaged by the end of this year

Now you were more then broken , confused, shattered , the feeling of betrayal because you remember what he told you once

(Flash back)

" You know y/n if you weren't broke I would date you "-jimin


You said and slaped him in the back of the head

" Come on I was joking why do you have to use voilnce with me?"-jimin

"Because you deserve it and I'm still in college so of course I'm broke "-y/n

"But I'm serious I would date you but I don't want to add on you the stress because I Think you're an amazing woman "-jimin

"Yah don't say stuff like that "y/n

"Are you blushing ? HAHA LOSER "jimin

And you both fell from lagging

(End of flash back )

You remember how he looked like he loved you but he actually has a girlfriend for years without you knowing

With tears building up in you're eye's and trembling Hands you ran with all you're energy left in you and knocked on the door when you arrived

"Omg y/n how dare you not visit me and h- what's wrong why are you crying ?"


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