...because all must be in balance with each part not opposite neither its equal. 'Tis not the water that connects with the land, rather 'tis the transition from the fluid movement to the static rock. The places in between are where the mystics dwell grasping onto any particle of understanding of the human existence. Yet we barley craw,l totally blind and deaf only feeling the pain of anxiety looking to wrap ourselves in blankets of lies be it in the form of pill or drink - only to find it is all poison. The only blanket is the forest. The only solace is the whispers of the water rushing round the rocks. The medicine is the pureness of the springs.
And here, the anxious are relieved.
Random...Journals are more of a journey of trailing thoughts of whim. At the moment, what I feel translated into words to parlay some message. Sometimes obvious, sometimes vague - even to myself. As a reader, join me on that journey and perhaps help me to...