ಠ_ಠ • 1

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Today was what you would call a 'normal' day, well as normal as it could get when you're an alpha werewolf. I mean it's not my fault, I was born this way.

Oh yeah, My name's Luna. I know it's a weird name considering I'm a wolf.

I have yet to tell my two best friends, Scott and Stiles, about what I am. I know I should probably tell them but I want them too trust me, not think of me as this soulless monster that has killed someone.

I may not have told Stiles about my werewolf side, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep the Stiles' Dad in the dark. Noah has given me a home and acted like the father I never had, I couldn't keep this from him. He was always considerate when it came to me, he loved me like his own daughter. I was greatfull, always and forever, I owe this man my life. Honestly I love him and what he does for this town, for his son; and for me.

You see, I knew my birth Father. My Father was a train wreck waiting to happen, I saw him kill my Mother right in front of me. I don't really remember her, but I knew she was the only one to care for me. My 'Dad' was never there for me he was always gone, leaving all the time for long periods, without telling me reason or cause. The person that cared for me was a girl, a gorgeous girl named Kali. She was kind of horrible at looking after me, but she tried. She was always there when Deucalion wasn't, yes deucalion is my father. I haven't seen him since then when Kali was still a good person, I was told that she kills at my Fathers beck and call. I'm disappointed in her; I thought she was better than him, I guess not.

Time skip - at school with Stiles-

"Luna come here, please,  I need your help." I heard Stiles yell at me from upstairs; I get up off the couch and go into his room expecting him to be at his computer ready to tell me about the latest trend. But his not, his in the shower. I just simply say, "What Stiles?" He doesn't respond so I repeated myself, "What Stiles?" Still no response, I walk into the bathroom only to be attacked by a large Alpha, it looks as if too be two alphas in one so, I'm assuming it's Aiden and Ethan.

I get knocked out almost instantly as I was not prepared for this, the darkness surrounding me as I feel myself get dragged along to ground by two people. I wake up only to be surrounded by Kali, Deucalion, Ennis, Ethan and Aiden. This was not gonna be a good day, Stiles will know that I'm gone since I should be at school right now. I hope he realises soon, I can't stand being in the same room as my father for long. You see I have I.E.D, I will flip out soon if he gets any closer then he is now.

My eyes flash a dark red my claws come out and so do my fangs. I rip myself out of the chair only to be pulled right back down. Kali had grabbed me digging her claws into my shoulders, I involuntarily growl at that. If you're wondering why my eyes are a dark red it's because I was forced to kill alphas as a child, my power is equivalent to that of Kali's. I reach up grabbing Kali's throat and I pull her over me and the chair, she tries to claw at me but shuts up when I roar. Stiles, Scott and the others bursts into the room looking directly at me my werewolf features still showing, I get up walk to my Father and say. "This was your plan all along... 'Dad'." And with that I walked away from them not, turning my back on them. We get out of the building and back home, when I immediately curl up in a ball on the floor. And that's where I stay for the night. It's kind of pathetic a born Alpha crying herself to sleep on the floor.

Time skip - the next day

I love my brother, my Stiles, so much and to see that pained look on his face broke my heart, I've tried and tried to talk to him but he always just walks away. It pains me so much, not the fact that he left me at home and got into the jeep and drove away leaving me to get a ride from Scott, its the fact that I hurt him that much to the point that he ignores me. Whats worse is that I haven't told him his dad knows, I haven't had the chance to explain myself. To give a valid reason, but who am I kidding? There is no valid reason for the pain I've caused him.

I got of Scott's dirtbike and look to my right, and that's when I see Aiden and Ethan standing right there. I used to be really good friends with them until Deucalion kicked me out of the pack. I was the first one to know about Ethan being gay. I look at both of them and walk out of school them behind me saying. "Just listen Luna." I turn around look at them and hug the both of them.

Scott and Stiles look at me while this happened I smile at the twins, I was happy seeing these two again. Someone walked up behind me and said, "You don't have great taste in guys of you?" I recognised this voice it was Cora Hale, Derek's sister I turned around hugged Cora putting hand up her shirt and I dig my claws into her back. She growled in my ear and I sarcastically said. "Sorry," to her. We walk into the mens locker room and she said to me, "What do you think you're doing?" I was starting to get angry honestly it's the I.E.D in me, "What do you care?" She looked hurt at my words, Cora walked up to me and whispered in my ear " I..." she pulled away and looked me in the eyes and she...

Saving that for next time, bye

The New Demon Wolf • Cora Hale - Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now