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Daddy’s p.o.v

Tonight was the night. I could feel it. I had been waiting for a very long time now and tonight was the night I’d get to hold my brand new baby.

I sat down in the back of the auditorium, it wasn't very large, so I could see just fine. I had been coming to the auctions every night this past week hoping they would have my perfect baby.

Unfortunately most of the littles that came out were either sluts or would try to impress the other men by sticking their butts out or trying to look inviting. I didn't want a little horny brat under my care.

No I wanted a pure innocent baby, one I could love and cherish. I ran a hand through my thick dusty brown hair, sighing, obviously unimpressed with the littles so far.

Several other men had already left, they too were not happy with the auction tonight. Tonight's auction was no different than the other ones held here, no wonder this place doesn't make much money.

I was about to get up and leave when they shoved a little boy onto the stage. I quirked a brow in interest, he obviously looked very out of place, but something about him made me feel protective over him.

“Little number 223478. Otherwise known as Joey Moon. Age 16.” Nathan read off his envelope. Joey Moon? The kid was very tiny compared to the other littles, his hair was filthy and he looked under weight.

Joey was not like the others, no he was far from them, his cute chubby cheeks were tear stained and he was hugged up to some stuffed animal. I'm assuming it was a monkey, but it was so ragged I wasn't sure.

They must not think  he is worth much due to the fact he is only wearing a dirty oversized t-shirt and a soiled diaper. My heart broke seeing him cower on stage, crying his little heart out.

Some of the Dom's shook their heads not wanting any part of baby Joey. They murmured to themselves in disapproval, Joey wasn't worth anything to them. Filthy swine.

“Joey is a white male with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair. His height is 5’3 and his weight is 96 lbs. His head space ranges from ages 3 to 5 years old. His favorite color is blue and he loves monkeys.” Nathan spoke glancing down at the kid, then forced a smile as he continued.

“Now let's start with the bidding!” he chirped. “What shall be our starting price?”

“One million!” A man yelled out next to me. One million!? Really this baby is worth more than that!

“Two million!” Another one called. I rolled my eyes. Really? It's a shame they don't see how much worth baby Joey is. Joey is worth everything.

Nathan simply nodded and started to auction off my baby. Wait..my baby? Is he really worth it? I mean he is a cutie pie and I'd love to scoop him up and protect him from this world. Should I? But he's worth far more than what they are pricing him at.

But I'd give a kidney to have him. Before I even realized what was happening I opened my big mouth, time to rescue my baby boy.

“Three billion dollars!” I cried out. Everyone's eyes seemed to stare holes into me. I glared at as many as I could, Joey is worth it. He is your baby! You have to fight for him.

Ignoring the disgusted looks, I smirked knowing that Joey was all mine for sure. It took everything in my will power not to run up on that stage and comfort my crying boy.

His sobs were like tiny little ice picks chipping away at my icy heart. Nathan blinked stupidly dumbfounded and shocked. The silence was literally eating everyone alive.

“Three billion going once.”

“Three billion going twice.” I chewed at my nails worried someone might try to out bid me. Joey was meant for me! No one can take him from me.

“Three billion dollars! Sold! Come collect your prize!” Nathan chirped pointing to my darkened figure slowly making my way up onto the stage.

My poor baby was frightened by all this he curled up in a ball between Nathan's legs. Which Nathan of course just stepped over him, considering he doesn't touch any little except his.

I gave Nathan a subtle glare for not comforting a little that was in need of care. That is not how a  Daddy Dom should treat other babies! Son of-

All my negative thoughts came to a screeching halt as I finally got to scoop up my precious boy. I held him firmly against my chest, he kept whimpering and squirming around.

“Shhh, Mio figlio, è ok, papà è qui.” I cooed. (My little boy, it's ok daddy's here) I knew he probably didn't understand what I was saying, but that seemed to have calmed him down.

I couldn't help but smile down in adoration for him as he snuggled up to me. I cradled him in my arm gently patting his diapered butt with my free hand.

Time to take my little baby boy home.

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