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I sat in the waiting room of the hospital to be able to go in. There were investigators talking to Joseph now that he was finally well enough to hold a conversation. I had been scared at first when I brought Anna to the hospital. Harrison, my brother, had stayed home and locked up their apartment. He's been keeping watch making sure no one is going around there to steal and of course in case Kristin comes back. The police came out of the small room Joseph was in and nodded towards us taking Anna into a private examination room for a few questions. 

I let them talk in private and walked over to the bedside of Joseph who was sitting there with a blank expression on his face. I wondered what he was thinking about. If he was okay? I couldn't be sure what was happening but I knew for sure that he was thinking. Perhaps he was thinking how simple his and Anna's lives were before Kristin came. Maybe he resented her for coming. 

"I know what you're thinking," he said hoarsely. "You're thinking that I sold my sister out aren't you?"

"I don't know what to think," I admitted ashamed.

"She really like you." Joseph paused thinking about what to say next. Scanning me with his bright eyes and wondering what he could say to make things okay between us. "I could tell she did. And you really liked her too huh?"

"I think I love her," I corrected him. "I know I've only known her a sort time but in that time we've overcome many things. I want her back in my arms safe Joseph. Just as I know you want her back safe."

"Yes I do." 

"What did the police have to say about this?" I asked curious. 

He breathed out a sigh. "You want the truth right?"


"It doesn't look like they can do much. Though kidnappings and a possible attempted murder are illegal. I'm not sure what they're going to be able to do."

"Is there anything else we can do?"

He shook his head before speaking, "Not really. Amish aren't normally hostile but in this case they are being hostile which is bad news for us. Anything could happen and we don't know what we're walking into. They could have any sort of weapons not to mention they have the Amish Mafia on their side."

"Is there really nothing we can do?" 

"I wouldn't say nothing. But if we're going to do something we're going to need your brother with us."

"What have you got in mind?" I asked him.

"I...." He started to say before he cut off. He looked straight behind me and narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

I turned around and saw a young adult male with the classic Amish beard, shaggy hair and white button up shirt with a pair of grey cotton pants. "I was wondering if I would be able to talk to you two. It's about Kristin."

I stared out of the window wondering if I could really trust him. I knew that this stranger was the only hope i have left. Though how could I be so sure he wouldn't betray my trust. There was something so weird about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. I had been willing to listen to him for Taylor. To get out of here and to be able to be close to her again. I missed her hair between my fingers. I longed for her near me but I was so far away and there wasn't much I could do. 

I sighed and leaned against the window frame wondering if he would come back after he's spoken to someone. I gave him Taylor's adress hoping that he wouldn't kidnap her too. But I doubt that he would. There was something about him that was weird but there was also something honest about him. I truly did believe he didn't want to take me. I truly did believe he wants to help. But his motive behind it is still unknown. 

The door opened slightly and a tray of food was pushed in before the door closed and got locked again. I walked over to the food slowly taking a look at it. So far nothing i've eaten has been poisoned. After all why would it be? But I still smelt everything before I ate it. It was some bread and butter with a bowl of soup. It looked like vegetable soup. I sighed and took the spoon in one hand and the bowl in the other, sitting cross legged on the floor. I began to eat it without saying prayer's to the lord. If my parents saw me now they'd be scared of me....they'd call me the devils child for not saying grace. I ripped apart the bread and butter dipping in the soup to get all the remainder of it out of the bowl. I only get fed once a day now and I have a large appetite. 

Once I finished my food I laid across the bed, hands behind my head, ankles crossed. I was drifting off into sleep but it was a sleep I didn't want. I wanted to fall asleep next to the girl I loved. 

I sat on the chair staring up at the stranger trying to digest what he was saying. Joseph was almost out of his bed ripping this guy apart and I was speechless. Anna picked the perfect time to come back in and almost screamed before I leapt up from the chair and put my hand over her mouth. We didn't need hospital staff in here picking up that this guy wans't supposed to be in here. From what I could see he wasn't armed. From what he was saying he did geniunely want to help us. He wanted to help Kristin. I took deep breaths as I sat Anna down in the chair i was sitting in previously and shut the door behind her. I drew the blinds and stood against one of the bare white walls. 

"What is he doing here?" Anna practically hissed. Her eyes were wide and wild. This was not a good situation and I had to calm it down but I didn't know what to say.

What could I say?

"He..." I started to say.

"I'm here to help Kristin," he finished for me. I nodded in appreciation before looking over at Joseph. He seemed a little calmer but not by much. Anna looked about as dangerous as she did before and I was worried that hospital staff would walk in.

"Cut it out you two if hospital staff come in here and drag him out we might lose the only way we can get Kristin back. Joseph told me that help from the police doesn't look good and by the look on your face, Anna, you have the same thoughts." She nodded slowly before this guy put his hand on my shoulder.

"Good speech," he said in approval. 

"I get it we don't know if we can trust him...but we don't know if we can afford to not too either. We have to do what we can to get Kristin back and i'm not willing to risk time. They could do anything to her there. Make a priest torture her until she confesses her sins or marry her off unwillingly. I don't want anything like that to happen to her." Everyone nodded agreeing. I turned to the man standing there, " what's the plan then?"

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