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"Uh, h- hey" Jimin shuddered "Nice to see you, again" Jimin added to reduce the awkward feeling he has

Taemin looked at the younger with confusion "You know each other?" he asked, Jimin raised an eyebrow to him. Jungkook is waiting for jimin to say yes but jimin didn't let out anyword so he did it himself

"Yes" Jungkook smiled and made an eye to eye contact with jimin "Your??"

"Oh yeah uh, my- my FRIEND Taemin" Jimin hardly said the word friend "Taemin this is Jungkook, my friend too and jungkook this is taemin my--"

"Childhood bestfriend. Yes" taemin nodded with a smile "Nice to meet you"

"Okay, I need to get going because I don't want this food to be cold" Jungkook raised the paper bag he's holding, jimin nodded

"Okay, see yah" Jimin made an eye smile

"See yah". Both of 'em watched jungkook to go outside the restaurant and they forgot that they have to order

Taemin shook his head and nugged to younger as he pointed his chin to the waiting cashier guy

"Oh yeah. Sorry"


Times flies so fast, his 3 days stay to taemin has ended now he have to face some freaking office jobs again

the door of his office banged open making his heart jump in shock

"Where the hell have you been?" he rolled his eyes when he saw his mother

"None of your stupid business old lady" Jimin said and focused to his laptop ain't giving a shit to his mom

"You're so rude!" his mom threw the laptop making him gasp, good thing even if that would be broken it's okay because it's just his extra laptop and not the office laptop That contains some important stuffs

"What the fuck!" Jimin stood up "What the fuck do you want!?"

"I told you that you have to meet someone, and you left your works for 3 days! do you want me to fire you!?" she shouted

"As if you have some rights to fire me" jimin crossed his arms "and I am not fucking interested to meet that someone!" jimin shouted back

His mom was about to reply but the Door suddenly opened both of their attention went to that because they have a strict rules that no one will interupt when they're arguing except if there's Really really something so important came up


all of their eyes widened so jungkook was the first one to break the awkwardness and sudden silence

"Why are you guys fighting?" he asked and entered his entire body to the room

"Why do you even care" Jimin said as he rolled his eyes "Both of you get out of my office if you don't want war"

Jimin's mom got triggered but jungkook held his arm making jimin smirk "Let's just go"

"He's my son he needs some lesson don't touch me" she said as she removed the younger's hand to her arm

Jimin's heart started to race to what his mother just said "She's your mother?!" jungkook asked looking directly to jimin's eyes


My mother's boyfriend | JiKookWhere stories live. Discover now