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Warnings: minor swearing, blood, and violence

'What a terrible morning,' Sakura reflected miserably, as she continued to get ready for training. While downstairs she could still hear her mother yelling at her and to make matters even worse her father was also agreeing with her mother.

"Are you listening to me, young lady!" Her mother yelled while coming up the stairs making Sakura get ready faster.

"Yes, Mom, I heard you, but I'm not going to quit my career track just because you see don't any value in it." Sakura retorted angrily, putting finger quotes around value as she glares at her mother.

Before her mom could yell at her again, her father interrupted with a worried voice, "Sakura, listen to your mother. We are just worried about you getting hurt or worse. You're our only child, we just want you to be safe."

"But if you're so determined to die a shinobi death so badly. Then at least make yourself useful, and actually do something to help your team," Sakura's mother growled full of disappointment.

"Honey!" Sakura's father yelled in shock at what his wife said.

Sakura felt her heart hurt, as a lump started to well up in her throat. 'I know that I'm the weakest on the team. I know that I do not provide any good skills to the team. I know I am just in the way of Sasuke and Naruto. I'm just a worthless shinobi,' Sakura thought as the aching in her heart grew more and more.

"I'm leaving," Sakura growled out between clenched teeth, as she finished putting on her gear.

Sakura quickly running past her parents not looking at them and left the house. She could feel the tear starting to form but willed them away as she tried to calm down her frantic heart and mind. 'worthless, worthless, worthless, everything you do is wrong,' kept repeating in her mind each time get loud and angrier. It continued even after arriving at the bridge, Sakura just puts on a fake smile that looked so real that no one would be able to see her inner turmoil.


"Good morning, Sasuke. Hi, Naruto," Sakura greeted the two boys warmly.

"Hmph," Sasuke greeted, sitting on the bridge's arm rail.

"Morning, Sakura-chan," Naruto answered loudly. Only to get punched on top of his head much harder than usual, "ow, what was that for!" Naruto shouted in pain, squatting low to the ground cradling his head.

"Don't call me that," Sakura growled out venomously with anger flashing through her piercing green eyes.

Naruto flinched, and crawl back a little nodding frantically. While Sasuke eyed her warily as he felt a chill ran down his spine. Naruto and Sasuke were both slightly relieved that Sakura is supposed to be working on her taijutsu with Kakashi today. Both boys could practically feel the rage surrounding their pink-haired teammate, like a heavy blanket that kept the boys' mouths shut to not make the pink-haired girl snap. The group waited in complete unnerving silence for about twenty minutes, until Kakashi shows up out of nowhere.

"Good morning, sorry I'm late. An old lady needed some help getting rid of a runaway cat causing havoc in her store," Kakashi explained, happily rubbing the back of his neck.

"LAIR!" Sakura and Naruto yelled out, both pointing at the jonin. While Sasuke silently thought, 'I wonder if the old lady from Kakashi's excuses is Jun-san?'

"Okay then... For today's plan, we are training till two o'clock. Then, we will go to the mission's office to receive today's mission. I've also decided to change up the sparing pairs for today. Naruto, you are with me. Sasuke, you're sparing with Sakura," Kakashi informed his three students. While they made their way to the training field behind him, Naruto and Sasuke gave each other a nervous look.

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