The Boss - KIsses Up To Me

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I dont know if you have or havent read living with the mannings but this story is about the one and only tripplet Ariel. About when she's 26 and just getting a good job after about a year of being out of college . You dont have to read living with the mannings to read this though it would be awesome :)!

Ariel is courageous , outspoken , type to say before she thinks , but also very stubborn . Shes a 26 year old red head about to start her life . Finally ! But did I mention shes completly into girls? No boys at all . Though her new boss doesn't seem to get that through his head . Drinking , poker , lies , one night stands , fun , is all packed up into this story . Hope you like! :)

* Chapter 1

I had been waiting for what seemed like forever for a job to call me back . I was now sitting on my bed in a penthouse in Miami . A long white button down shirt that reached midthigh. When the phone rang . I jumped up running over , my red hair bouncing along the way . I slid into the rolling chair in frot of the desk and picked up the phone .

"hello?" I said in a formal way . I started spinning in circles in the chair .

"Yes , Yes is this Ariel Manning? " That got my heart pumping .

"Yes it is may I ask who's calling ?" I said even though I have caller ID right in my face , I just had to make sure I wasnt dreaming .

" This is Co Designers Records Company OF The Best Styles around . I'm Victoria Klain . I am the main Designer here and you have sent in some of your designs yes?" She asked .

" Yes , yes I have for the Winter season ." I said breathless.

" Well when someone sends in their ideas and its so good that I show the boss then thats basically like you getting the job . Your designs are terrific best I've seen in awhile . And so I was wondering if you could come in this monday thru thursday and fill in the spot we have open. Because my assitant has gotten into a accident and is currently in the hospital but we've been filling in her place trying to find some one . If you do good you just might find yourself helping me with fashion week in 3 weeks ."

" So what do you say?......... " I had my mouth hanging open . " Ms.Manning....Ms. Manning? " She laughed . " Shocked? Aha. I remember the call I got too and I was speechless. " she said .

" Yea- Yea of course I will!" I screamed way too loud . She laughed," Excuse me could you hold for a second?" she said mhm .

I placed the phone down and pressed mute . Stood up walked to the window gazed out of it . " Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my flipping god! Ahhhhh!!!" I jumped up and down . then walked back down to the chair straightened out my shirt , cleared my throat went to press the unmute button but it was'nt even on . "umm hello?" I said into the phone .

"Yes ,I'll take that as a yes and I'll be seeing you Monday? " I nodded as though she could see it . She said ," Well I'll fax the info over ."

" Ok...." I said breathless . My dream job at a desiging one of the biggest designing companies around the U.S.

" Ok bye . " Humor still in her voice.

" Bye ." I hung up .

I ran into my room grabbing my purse throwing everything out trying to get my phone . I speed dialed the number . Ring , ring , ring , ring .

" hello?" They said .

" My playboy bunny!" I said .

" what did I tell you about calling me that . People may start to think I do that . " She said .

" But your mine I said flirty ." giggling .

" what is it you want Ariel? And mom says when are you coming to visit? " she said .

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