(1) blood+pizza

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✅warnings for the entire book: blood, cannibalism, annorexia, depression, mentions of abuse, NSFW, violent car crash, cursing✅


I heard what happened to your mom.

You can stay the night if you'd like.

Virgil stared at the irritably bright phone screen in his hand as he reread the sympathetic texts he received from his dearest friend, Logan.

Maybe I will.

He automatically texted him back, hitting send and getting out of his seemingly cold unforgiving bed. He'd been trying to sleep for about an hour now, however, the bed was too uncomfortable, cold and unforgiving. He packed up spare backpack with some extra clothes and his laptop.
Walking downstairs, he checked his phone again for more texts.

The door is unlocked for you.

I'll be waiting.

Sliding his phone in his pocket, Virgil walked into the kitchen with clear intentions to tell his father where he'd be, before leaving to Logan's.

"fucking hell!"

Virgil spotted the bloody knife and noticed his father had cut his hand while chopping carrots.  His father hissed in pain and figured it was a smart idea to run his hand under the tap with cold water.

He never was good in the kitchen, he was especially useless when virgils brother wasn't there cooking or grilling.
Yet, something distracted his thoughts..

The blood.


Virgil found himself staring at the deep red liquid, feeling memorized. The river of red that flowed down the drain seemed like the ginger strands of hair his lovely mother once had. .

His father finally noticed the staring boy, irritated and frustrated from the pain, told virgil off.

"Fucking Crist, Virgil. Go to your room or something!"

Said boy's eyes wondered up to meet with his  father, then back to the blood and nodded slowly. He figured it isn't  best to talk back, but made an effort to mention he was going to Logan's house for the night.

Virgil left the house, and started walking down the street.

It was dark outside, the stars and moon making their presence obvious with their lovely dim light that welcomed him into the night. He found his mind wondering to the bloody images in his minds eye and made no effort to distract them this time.

I'll be waiting

Logan hit send as he sighs almost inaudibly, and sat at his desk besides his bed. Putting his phone down besides his laptop, he typed at the keys that gave a monotone sound that offered a calming sound to Logan.

Hearing the door open, his mother stepped in, phone in hand.

"Do you want to order some pizza?"

She asked,  eyes on Logan's while his back was to her.
Hearing the word, the singular word pizza
Made his stomach turn and twist in disgust. His mind imaging the grease and melting cheese with the worrysome amount of consumption of calories.


"Are you su-"

"I said no."

Logan almost felt bad for making himself sound so harsh to his own mother, who's only been trying to help him.

Virgil walked into the bedroom with the two, immediately feeling inadequate and uncomfortable with the sudden wave of tense atmosphere.

"..pizza sounds good, mother." Logan corrects upon spotting Virgil.

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