part one

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One by one, I hear a snap. Snap over snap. I can't take it. I cover my ears. It is almost my turn. In the corner of my eye I see a glint of steel. It was a gun. I glance around me as the guards are busy. I quickly grab it and hide it in my shirt. It's my turn. A man leans down. I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "To bad someone as pretty as you wouldn't want to follow the new queen" he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. He points the gun at the back of my head. Right before He pulls the trigger I through my elbow into his legs, making them buckle and I swiftly stand up, shooting him then crouching behind a crate of weapons. Five men rush over alarmed. They didn't see me as I snatched my beanie and mask. Quickly I grab a gun and stand up. One man spots me but before he could say another word each of them were on the floor with bullet wedged between their eyes. I grabbed a knife and cut the last one left. I didn't recognize him but I didn't care. I gave him a gun and left. I ran and ran. Shooting as many guards as I could.

I now stood in front of the church, where Mia claimed her royalty. Entering the front door would have been to easy, I crouch down and slowly make my way to the ladder. I quickly climbed up the ladder, silently walking on the roof. I open the latch to the window and checks the room. Empty. Good. I quickly jump onto the beams and silently wait for my prey. "Open the doors for your queen you fool!". There she is. The door bursts open and she treads her way down the hall. I keep an eye on her and her goon. Once she sits down, the guys head explodes. She jumps as she is alarmed. I quickly jump down landing on my feet, the gun pointed directly at her head. "You will pay for what you have done. You slaughtered my people. You murdered innocent families! I will revenge them and paint the floor with your blood" I spit through my teeth, eyes still on her. She bursts out in laughter. "Tsk, tsk, tsk my dear. What can a helpless teen have that will hurt me?" She smirked evilly. Her purely white teeth shined. She softly whispered as she leaned back in her chair "take her away". I look behind me to see a 300 pound muscular man charging at me. I pull the trigger and I dodge his hands. I barely grazed her arm but she still screamed out in pain. I quickly jump onto the his back, grabbing my knife. It's stuck in its sheath! Shit! As I desperately try to pull out my knife. Right as i get it out he has me by my neck. He took a needle and stuck it in my vien. He drew my blood and I quickly stab his hand. As he drops me I quickly jump out the window, glass getting all over my body.

I made it out of the town. I limp as I make my way through the tree's. It is getting dark outside. I need to stop, But I keep pushing myself to go farther. It's completely dark now. I stop and grab some wooden sticks. I take my lighter and make a small fire. I rip my shirt and grab a stick. I bite down on my knife as I put my leg back in place, biting back the tears as I wrap the stick close to my leg. I take out a can of beans from my backpack and I heat is up. As I eat my beans I hum the song my father always sang to me. Suddenly I hear I twig snap. I snatch my gun pointing it in that direction. Slowly the shape of a man merges out of the shadow. It was the guy I saved. I put my gun down and nod at him to sit down. He nods back and I hand him the rest of my beans. He eats as we eat in silence. He crushes the can and throws it in the fire.

We sit in silence for a while. We just stare at the fire together, deep in our own thoughts. Finally he speaks up. "My name is Randy but you can call me Rj". I shake his hand and nod. I softly respond not even looking up "Im Scarlett but you can call me scar". He nodded in return. I built a small shelter out of leaves and branches. Rj had a sleeping bag so he slept there. It was a restless night for me. All I could hear was the screams of my village. I saw her stupid flash smirk flash before my eyes. I jump out of my small, passable shelter and go for a small run. Anger rushing through my veins. Before i knew it, the sun was rising. I run back to the small "campsite" to find RJ cooking a rabbit. As soon as I sit down the pain hits me and I scream. RJ looks at my leg and quickly rushes over to it. He pulls up my pants. My entire leg is swollen and bleeding.

RJ rushes around the trees, grabbing random plants that I can't identify. He slowly puts them on my leg. I grip the stump im sitting on. "I'm going to reset your leg. It got worse when you went on your 4 hour run". I nod as I bite down on my knife. He resets my leg and bandages it. "You won't be able to walk for a few weeks without messing it up". He pauses for a moment and looks down" My family had a cabin a few miles away from here. We can stay there until you heal". The sun had finally risen above the trees and he called see all his features. He had a smooth, mocha colored skin. He had big dark green eyes and his hair was a soft brown that shaped his face perfectly. I will admit he was cute. "Ok but how will I get there?". He looked down and thought for a few minutes. Out of nowhere he picked me up bridal style.

He had been carrying me for an hour now. "It is only about a mile from here now". I nod. I felt awkward. I felt so useless. We finally got to the cabin. It was small but looked cozy. He opened the door and sat me down on the couch. "Im going to go start the power then check the supplies. I shouldn't be gone for long maybe an hour at most". I nodded. I didn't really ever speak much.

The lights flicker on and I smile. It was kinda hot tho. I hear footsteps up the stairs. Soon my eyes are met with his dark emeralds. I noticed that was something was off so I skimmed over to find it. I quickly realized he was shirtless. He muscles and toned body. I look down and adjust on the couch, propping my foot up on the arm. He smiles and leans over the back of the couch. "Everything looks good" he said as he let out a slow breath. I didn't respond. He looked down at me "are you hungry?" I thought for a second. "Yes, can you hand me by backpack? I have special jerky in there that my dad used to make". "Of course anything for the injured". I giggles as he handed me the jerky. I gave him a piece and we munched on it.

I was in deep thought. Was I "liking" RJ. No I can't. It will distract me from killing Mia. But he is cute.... And he does take care of me even though we just met. No stop Scar, you can't fall in love. Now stop. I fell asleep thinking to myself. When I wake up RJ is asleep sitting up in front of me, his back against the couch. I quickly jump up. I trip realizing he is holding onto my left leg. He jerks up. He looks at me "Are you ok?" he asked worried. I get up and brush myself off "Im fine don't worry".

The rest of the day I avoided him. I felt really bad but I had to focus on Mia. I sat outside in a lawn chair. I threw my blade then the magnetic bracelet would bring it back. I practiced my aim in deep thought. All night long I had done this. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly jumped. "Calm down there Kangaroo". It was RJ. I glared at him. I am NOT a kangaroo". He chuckles at my comment. "Then what are you? A scaredy cat". I threw my knife at him that barely grazed his ear. "I am nothing and I never will be anything. Shut your mouth or else I won't mess next time" I warned him. He shut his mouth and walked back into the cabin. I felt bad. He was just trying to play around with me. I went inside the cabin to find him. He was in his room reading a book. I knocked on the door and he glanced up at me as I stood in the doorway. "Look I'm sorry for snapping I...I just need to focus on Mia right now so please don't be mad at me". He huffed. "Do you think I don't want to defeat my sister two? My family abandoned me for her". He paused taking in a sharp breath. "I'd do anything to get rid of her.". I looked at him shocked. "The lunhes never claimed to have a son. There wasn't even a birth record". He nodded. "I was born in the river".

(RJ is the photo above)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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