Deaf Valt Au

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A/N: Valt is only deaf for this oneshot.     (sry if its short)

Valt's pov

Right now Honcho is telling me somthing about Valtryek being too wobbly, luckily he talks slow so its easier to understand what hes saying, unlike Wakia who talks so fast, they dont know I'm deaf, the only people who know are Toko, Nika and my mom, and I want to keep it that way.

"Understand?" I see Honcho say to me.

"Yep, thanks Honcho!" I said. "Well I got to go, I need to help mom make beybread."

"'k bye." I see Honcho say.

"Bye!" I think I said that a little too loudly cause Honcho covered his ears.

"sorry." I said as I run off, as I walk on the side walk I look at the birds flying high in the sky, ive always wanted to hear them chirp, heck, I want to hear everyone, but since I cant I just like to imagine what they sound like, I make my way to the intersection and when the light turned green I started walking, once I was halfway across, I suddenly am pushed out of the way and onto the hard ground, I look over to see who pushed me and saw Shu, who was yelling somthing at me but I couldn't understand.


Shu' s pov

I was walking down the street, when I see Valt run pass me, he then stops running and starts walking away.

"Hey Valt!" I yell to him, he doesn't look back, instead he starts looking at some birds.

"Valt!" I yell louder, weird, its not like him to ignore me, I walk faster hoping to catch up to him, he then starts to cross the street, as he's crossing, a red car speeds past me and starts heading straight towards Valt.

"VALT LOOK OUT!!!!!!!" I yell as I run to him, he doesn't stop walking and is SMILING, HOW IS HE SMILING AT A TIME LIKE THIS!, I run across the street ad push him out of the way, just before the car runs him over, He looks at me confused as I yell at him

"VALT ARE YOU OKAY, ARE YOU HURT, DONT DO THAT YOU ALMOST DIED!!!" I yell as I hug him, tears streaming down my face, he looks a me worriedly.

"Shu, are you okay?" he asks me.

"AM I OKAY AM I OKAY?!?!?!" I say shocked "VALT YOU ALMOST DIED!!!"

His eyes widen in shock, suddenly, Nika and Toko run next to Valt( Valts house was on the other side of the street).

"Shu, what happened?!" Toko ask me worriedly, Nika was asking Valt questions, speaking very slowly, we got off the intersection and I told them the story.

"I just dont get it Valt, how did you not hear me yell?" I ask him, he looks at Nika and moves his hands around in different angles, I think it was sign language, Nika did the same.

"He said we can tell you, come on, lets go inside." Nika motioned me inside as I sat on Valt's bed.

"Shu, before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, please." Valt begged. 

"I promise, Valt you can trust me." I say calmly.

"Shu.... I-I'm Deaf." He said to my shock, then it all started to fit together in my mind, why Valt yells when he's talking, why he didn't hear me when I called to him, the list could go on.

"YOUR DEAF?!" I accidently yell making Toko and Nika cover their ears.

"He may be deaf but were not." They say in unison, how do they do that?.

"hehe sorry " I say sheepishly, but then go serious " Valt you have to tell the bey club."

Valt looks at me shocked "No no no, I cant."

"Why not?" I ask.

"*sigh* The same reason I didn't tell you, they'll think im weak and they'll treat me different." Valt said sadly, we sat in silence for a while.

"I dont see you any different, in fact your even more amazing." I look at Valt and say.

"W-what, why?" He asks tears in his eyes.

"Ever since I met you, I thought you were special and know I sure of it, I mean come on, you cant even hear me but you understand what I'm saying, how could you not think thats amazing?" I said, he then coms and hugs me.

"Thanks Shu." He says quietly.

*The next day* 

"Hey guys" I say calmly as I walk to them, Valt in tow.

"Hey" they say back.

"You okay Valt?" Daigo said noticing the worry plated all over Valts face, I look at him and nod encouragingly, Valt sighs and walks up to the beyclub, looking back at me as I give him a thumbs up.

"*Deep breath in*SOTHETRUTHISIMACTUALLYDEAFANDSHUISFORCINGMETOSAYTHISBECAUSEYESTERDAYIALMOSTDIED!!"Valt said incredibly fast, so fast they didn't understand a word.

"uhhh Valt could you repeat that?" Wakia said curiously, Valt sighs.

"Okay okay, so the truth is I'm actually deaf, ive been my whole life and I'm only saying this to you because yesterday I almost got ran over by a car and also Shu is forcing me too." Valt says as he looks at them, they looked shocked.

"YOU ALMOST GOT RAN OVER?!?!?" Honcho says to Valts surprise.

"Uhhh yeah but did you not hear that I said im de-"

"YOU COULDVE DIED!!" Daigo says as he runs and hugs Valt, along with Honcho, Ken and even Wakia to everyone's surprise, I couldn't resist to join the hug, soon they break the hug

"Y-you guys dont care I'm d-deaf?" Valt said.

"Not really we care more about the fact that you almost died" Wakia said emphasising on 'died'.

"Thanks." Valt said "Now, who am I gonna battle first?" he said cheerfully.

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